First Day of AEE 2020, 32 Students Receives Golden Ticket from UNAIR Rector

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UNAIR NEWS – Students looked happy during 2020 Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) because Prof. Moh. Nasih stated that 32 high school students accepted directly as students in Universitas Airlangga.

The 32 students were ‘chosen’ as outstanding students who have brilliant achievements, both in terms of leadership and competition. Students who were declared those majoring in Data Science; Robotics Engineering; Dental Medicine; Biomedical Engineering; Industrial Engineering; and Economic Development.

There were students accepted in Environmental Engineering; Robotics Engineering; Political Science; Electrical Engineering; Nanotechnology Engineering; Islamic Economics; and Law. Besides, several students accepted in Faculty of Pharmacy; Faculty of Science and Technology; Faculty of Psychology; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; and Faculty of Nursing.

Aresma Susilowati, as one of the golden ticket receivers from MA Darul Ulum Waru, Sidoarjo is the highest rank student in the sciences category in her school and participated in various Physics and Mathematics competitions.

“I’m grateful and happy to be one of the Industrial Engineering students in UNAIR and I got chosen directly by UNAIR Rector,” said Aresma to UNAIR News team.

Besides,  there was Eko Alif Binanto from SMAN 1 Tanjung Anom, Kediri. Alif’s achievement is in terms of leadership is he served as student council president in high school.

“I came here (AEE, ed) alone at four o’clock in the morning, and I didn’t expect to get accepted in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, “he told to UNAIR News team.

“Thank God, all my hard work has finally paid off. “Alif said, then smiled.

Regarding student acceptance, UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh Nasih said that the 32 students were students who had enrolled in UNAIR by SNMPTN. Besides, there will be further verification for them.

“Those who have outstanding achievement, we will record and process it.” We intended to explore prospective students who have special achievements,” said Rector.

Regarding to AEE, which is UNAIR’s annual agenda, Prof. Nasih said that this expo was to help prospective students in choosing university majors.  (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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