UNAIR NEWS – As future successors of the nation, students have an important role in making contributions to overcome various problems in Indonesia. This contribution consists of various programs, starting from community service to community building. Lana Faiqoh Zahiroh, a student majoring in Sociology, did the latter by establishing a teaching community with students from other universities. The teaching community is called the Lamongan Teaching Community (KML). It is one of UNAIR’s efforts to support the achievement of the fourth SDG (Sustainable Development Goal), quality education.
When asked about the main reason and motivation for establishing the community, Lana revealed that many young people have the potential to help with educational problems in Lamongan. Furthermore, the majority of them take educational majors.
“The reason is because we see the potential of many youngsters who choose majors related to education and in line with many problems that exist in remote villages,” she said on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.
Although the community is still a year and a half running, the teaching community has achieved a lot. They have taught in several schools, educational seminars, SBMPTN tryouts, workshops, entrepreneurship seminars, and public speaking training. Other programs for internal community members include upgrading, gathering, KML sharing, and other activities.

In every activity, the teaching community will open a donation, which will be used to buy stationery later. Aside from stationery, the Lamongan Teaching Community occasionally provides financial aid and cash support used to fund other educational resources.
In every activity, the teaching community will open a donation, which will be used to buy stationery later. Aside from stationery, the Lamongan Teaching Community occasionally provides financial aid and cash support used to fund other educational resources.
In managing the community, several challenges need to be solved. According to Lana, the first is a communication problem; because the community members are mostly students and workers spread across multiple cities, establishing communication is quite difficult. Second, they have difficulty finding a place working as a base for a gathering event.
Author: Dita Aulia Rahma
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia