ASIIN assessment visit marks 12 UNAIR study programs preparedness to gain international accreditation

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UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is always aspired to achieve the highest standard and quality of higher education. It leads to the presence of ASIIN assessment team to verify documents, do onsite visits, and have comprehensive discussions regarding 12 study programs who are ready to gain accreditation from the international accreditation agency from Germany.

The event held in Kahuripan 301 Hall on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 was attended by leaderships of universities and faculties, ASIIN assessors from Germany, and academic peers from University of Indonesia and Hasanuddin University whose task was to compare perspectives on student activities. UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., MT., Ak. in his speech presented important points about commitment, recognition, curriculum, and collaboration between Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Nursing UNAIR.

“Every year we improve the global recognition and collaboration through 200 partnerships we have built with universities around the world. Furthermore, many of our study programs have been accredited Abest21, ASIC, APHEA. We also have global associations with ASEAN, WFSA, GAPNA, HSG, IFA and many more. Every medical and clinical unit we have always strives to provide the best quality,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Kevin Cassar as ASIIN representative conveyed the importance of the onsite visit. “We believe and have seen that UNAIR has an amazing quality of education through its collaboration and medical development. So I hope this discussion will become constructive for all parties, “he said.

In the following discussion, a lot of things were discussed about medical and nursing issues such as UNAIR’s commitment to national health, curriculum classification, education standards, future plans, even to the corona virus that is endemic in various countries.

“We are now in the fifty percent stage of the entire ASIIN accreditation process. The arrival of ASIIN’s assessors today, mainly to confirm the documents we have sent with the real conditions in the faculty. For this agenda we have made preparations for several days, with coordination and simulations conducted by both students and administrative staffs, “said Prof. Dr. Sukardiman Apt., MS as Head of UNAIR Quality Assurance Board (BPM).

Prof. Sukardiman hoped that this accreditation process will be able to achieve success as Batch 2 accreditation was implemented several years ago. At that time FKG and FKH managed to gain accreditation without conditions or without any further recommendations. “Hopefully, of twelve study programs that we registered, eighty per cent of them will gain unconditional accreditation,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, 12 study programs registered for ASIIN accreditation are 3 bachelor’s degree programs: Medicine, Midwifery, and Nursing, 3 master’s degree programs: Basic Medicine, Tropical Health and Nursing, 6 specialist degree programs: Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Clinical Microbiology, Neurosurgery, Gynecology Obstetrics, Orthopedics and Traumatology, and Pediatrics. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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