Improving student communication skills, PPKK invites East Java’s TVRI presenter

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UNAIR NEWS – To prepare students who will enter the work market, the Center for Career Development and Entrepreneurship (PPKK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) through Airlangga Career Club held a public speaking training to improve student communication skills in public. The event, Essential Communication for Your Career, was attended by around fifty students from various faculties at UNAIR. The presenter and reporter of the East Java’s TVRI Public Broadcasting Institute, Briansyah Dewandri Septiawan, S.Hum., was chosen to be a speaker at the event.

In the activity held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, Briansyah explained about public speaking and how to become a presenter or reporter for a media. The alumni of UNAIR English Literature student explained that the main key to confident speaking in public is to communicate to self before appearing. According to him, if we are able to control ourselves, then our fear in front of many people will be overcome.

Furthermore, in the activity held at UNAIR Campus B Parlinah Hall, Briansyah mentioned that there were three things that always became the focus of the audience to the people who spoke. The three of them, 55 percent of the audience will pay attention to the speaker’s body language, 33 percent focus on the speaker’s voice and tone, and the remaining 7 percent listen to the contents of the sentence spoken.

“Never be afraid to talk and feel that what you are saying is not of quality. Be calm and try to be friendly with the audience, because your posture is the main assessment,” he explained.

Not only giving theories but the journalist who was born on September 28, 1993 also asked students to come forward to try to become a presenter and reporter. The 2014 East Java Raka also explained the intonation in reading news and presenting a breaking-news program, how to hold a good microphone when broadcasting reporters, and how to maintain ethics in interviews with speakers.

“Learning communication does not only need theory, the most important thing is how we dare to try to apply the theory through practice. So, trying out yourself as a presenter and reporter in front is also one way so that you are not afraid to communicate in front of people “he explained.

Finally, Briansyah shared three tips with students on how to make communication memorable for the audience. The three tips are giving strong statements that are easy to remember, giving the opportunity to the audience to ask questions, and sharing material delivered to the audience.

“Sharing knowledge is good, so the audience will feel impressed if we are not stingy by giving hints to them,” he concluded.

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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