Interesting facts from Prof. Mamik’s Research in Probolinggo

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UNAIR NEWS – Prof. Dr. Sri Sumarmi, S.KM., M.Si. or known as Prof. Mamik is one of the 13 professors of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faculty of Public Health (FKM). Before being conferred as a professor, she did research at Probolinggo to get her doctoral degree. It was related to preconception intervention (before pregnancy) using micronutrients.

Behind her patience, in conducting research there are some interesting facts that not everyone knows. The first fact is that Prof. Mamik is one of the winners of research grants from Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation. Prof. Mamik revealed that she got the biggest funding among the other winners because her research was longitudinal.

The second fact is related to the naming of service to recruit prospective brides who will be involved in the research. Initially the service was called integrated pre-marital service but later the name was changed to pre-marital integrated service commonly abbreviated as laduni. It turns out that the name laduni was chosen because it has its own meaning, that the knowledge is transferred from God directly to the desired one so the name laduni is not only an acronym but also has meaning.

“The name Laduni can be interpreted as knowledge transferred from God directly to the desired one like an epiphany, so that name was chosen. Because if the word laduni itself has meaning, then if it becomes an acronym it is interpreted as a pre-marital integrated service, ” she said on Monday, December 23, 2019.

The third fact about vitamins used for intervention in the research process turned out to be brought directly from UNICEF (The United Nations Children’s Fund). Bringing these vitamins into Indonesia was not as easy as one might imagine, Prof. Mamik has to go through various stages until finally the vitamin can be used.

“It (vitamin, ed) is not as easy as buying other goods, it is difficult to bring goods from abroad,” she added.

Vitamins are obtained from international institutions called Vitamin Angels. The assistance was very useful for Prof. Mamik because with their supports can facilitate the implementation of research.

Not only the facts above, at the end of the interview Prof. Mamik advised the students to make the best use of their time to study. She also emphasized that students should not only choose the easiest way to do something so when they face a difficult reality, students are ready to face it. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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