UNAIR NEWS – After completing a four-year medical studies, Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Medicine students will take professional education for two years. They can later be addressed as interns or young doctors (DM). The young doctors will continue their medical training in the hospital, one of them is UNAIR Hospital.
This time around 200 young doctors from FK UNAIR were welcomed by Director of RSUA Prof. Dr. Nasronudin dr., Sp.PD-KPTI., FINASIM who opened the RSUA Pre Education (Pradik) which was held at Dharmawangsa Hall, 8th Floor UNAIR Hospital on Friday, January 24, 2020.
UNAIR Hospital does not only provide healthcare services, but also education services, such as Pradik for medical and non-medical students such as dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing, to take professional education at UNAIR Hospital.
Head of the RSUA KORDIK Team (Educational Coordination) Arief Bakhtiar, dr., Sp.P (K), FAPSR revealed Pradik’s goal was to introduce the regulations, research policies, and mechanisms at UNAIR hospitals.
“It needs to be known because the regulations and policies of each hospital are different,” said Dr. Arief.
Every group of students who want an internship at UNAIR Hospital are required to attend Pradik. Pradik itself is an initial process before entering the hospital for students who take the professional education.
For FK UNAIR young doctors, they follow Pradik in two places, UNAIR Hospital and Dr. Soetomo General Hospital. Pradik in UNAIR Hospital is part of a series of Pradik in Dr. Soetomo. After joining Pradik at UNAIR Hospital, the young doctors will continue with Pradik at Dr. Soetomo Hospital.
“Because FK UNAIR students, besides entering UNAIR Hospital, also be admitted to Dr. Soetomo, their Pradik are held once, “he said.
Pradik’s main goal is to make young doctors at UNAIR Hospital understand the importance of License Safety or patient safety and security. Hopefully, the young doctors can treat patients in hospitals well.
“The main purpose of License Safety, patient safety, patient security is to prevent them (young doctors, ed) from treating patients at UNAIR Hospital as they wish,” he said. (*)
Author: Dimar Herfano
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh