UNAIR NEWS – FKM UNAIR students helped prevent hypertension in Donan Village with DESI program (Early Detection of Hypertension). The program is conducted for one week, and it started on Friday, January 17 until Thursday, January 23 in Donan Village, Purwosari District, Bojonegoro Regency.
“The program is carried out because people who do not know about those who are hypertensive,” explained Dewa Ayu Dewi P. S or who is familiarly called Dewa Ayu.
There are several activities carried out on the program, such as blood pressure checks, cardiovascular card distribution, and Marisa calendar sharing (Let’s Prevent Joint Hypertension).
“The hypertension card is done in collaboration with nurses and village midwives, and distributed to residents who suffer from hypertension,” she continued.
The purpose of holding a hypertension card is monitoring the patient’s blood pressure from time to time. Furthermore, it is hoped that the patient will be aware of their lifestyle.
Meanwhile, the calendar was distributed as an educational medium related to hypertension. The calendar is not only distributed to people who suffer from hypertension but also to people whose blood pressure is normal to prevent them from hypertension. (*)
Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh