UNAIR student socializes online marketing of teak and avocado leaves for batik to Ponggok villagers

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UNAIR NEWS – Ten students of Community Service-Back to Village (KKN-BV) 61st Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in Ponggok Village, Blitar Regency invited local people to create innovative products. The product is in the form of batik using the eco-print method.

Materials used in its manufacture are teak and avocado leaves. The eco-print batik making program is then continuous with the digital business socialization program. Digital business outreach aims to broaden the knowledge of villagers of Ponggok in marketing their products.

Omega Chrisnes, the person in charge of the batik program explained the beginning of the idea. Namely, Ponggok Village has the potential of avocado and teak trees. Unfortunately, they have not used it to the fullest, then the idea of eco-print batik arise.

“The main focus of our Community Service Program is sustainability, which is to prioritize the use of materials. Starting on January 6, we held an opening event at Village Hall as well as discussing issues related to Ponggok Village, “he said.

Furthermore, making eco-print batik is a great program because it utilizes materials available in nature. Thus, the resident doesn’t have to pay a large fee for the material.

“Besides teaching in making batik, we conduct digital business socialization for product marketing. So, the products can be marketed to a wider range. Also, online marketing method is one of the easy ways to market the product, ” he added.

Ponggok Residents produce products such as chips and pineapple jam. Unfortunately, they still do not understand the importance of product branding. Most residents sell their products to mediators, which will be resold at a higher price.

This what makes the income of producers who residents of Ponggok Village are still low, while the middlemen get higher profits. If they understand the importance of packaging or labels, the products will increase dramatically.

“From these problems, we decided to actively socialize related to branding, labeling, and effective marketing to the local people of Ponggok Village. The enthusiasm that we received during the community program is positive, “he said.

It is hoped that through the community service, the residents of Ponggok Village will gain new insights and knowledge in developing the potential of local products. Besides, with the big theme of sustainability and eco-living, it can improve the welfare of rural communities sustainably by utilizing natural resources in the village. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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