ExSyDiENT: ENT Diagnosis App, created by UNAIR Student

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Muhyiddin Ubaidillah in the International Exhibition of Research, Idea & Innovation on Creative and Humanizing at the Convention Hall, Level 5 E-Learning, Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah Campus (KSAJS), Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Malaysia. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – In terms of health, not everyone cares about the health of certain organs. Though every organ must be maintained, both vital and non-vital organs. As the health of the ear, nose and throat (ENT) which is sometimes given little attention.

From this problem, Muhyiddin Ubaidillah, a student of Faculty of Science and Technology of Universitas Airlangga (FST UNAIR) together with the team created an application to help ENT diagnosis. The application is named ” ExSyDiENT: Expert System application for Diagnosis of ENT Disease with Android-based Certainly Cactor Method “.

According to Ubaid, the application is in the form of a system with admin and user. With the admin’s task as an expert who can add, delete or change data in the system.

“The innovation is that in this system there are ordinary users and admins, the admin is the expert who can add, delete or change data in the system,” said the Information Systems student.

In the process, the application was built with the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and java programming languages. Then it is uploaded to the server so it becomes public.

“It is built using php and java programming languages, then upload it to the server so it has become public,” said the final year student.

Ubaid said that in the process, one of the difficulties faced by him and the team was references. There are very limited references about the disease. Moreover, the field is also different, Information Technology (IT).

ExSyDiENT application: Expert System application for Diagnosis of ENT Disease with Android-based Certainly Cactor Method created by Muhyiddin Ubaidillah

“The difficulty is when there is very limited references about the disease I raised as the topic, because basically I am from the IT department,” he said.

Ubaid also revealed that the application has been tested with the team. Furthermore, the application can also be accessed through the web.

With this application, Ubaid hopes that later innovations in the form of IT that take objects from various fields such as health can be passed on by other students so that they can benefit the community.

The application got a Gold Award and Best International Project in the Management & Science University on Idea Regeneration Expo 2019 (MSU iREX 2019), 16 th – 17th December 2019, at Chancellor Hall, Management & Science University, Malaysia .

The application can be accessed through the following web pages:


Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor    : Binti Q. Masruroh

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