UNAIR NEWS – Rain intensity has improved since the beginning of the year and is worsened by the burst of Cileungsi river and Cikeas river embankment causing inevitable flash floods in Bogor Regency, West Java. It has attracted the attention of many parties, including Universitas Airlangga students who are conducting Back to Village Community Service Program (KKN-BV) in Bogor Regency.
Location of Bojongkulur Village, Gunung Putri Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, West Java, where they held their Community Service Program, was not far from the flash flood and partly affected by the disaster. The Bojongkulur Community Service Group 2 consisting of Thearza Tavinia (FKH), Fadhlul Ajie (FEB), Maulani Syahrozad (Fisip), Siti Nuryela (FST), Gempita Anargia (FKG), Livia Della (FEB), Melinda Mitharini (FEB), M. Ikbaar Firdaus (FKH), Meisyta Aninda (FKH), Fernanda Bahrum (FKH), is conducting KKN from December 24, 2019, to January 17, 2020.
To UNAIR NEWS, Thearza Tavinia, a student of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, said that the disaster happened the day before the implementation of the group’s first work program. Therefore, the students and the village officials went directly to the location to help with evacuation.
“We were rarely in the same location, members of the Community Service Community groups scattered in several locations such as the Hall of Bojongkulur Village Hall, a post in Vila Nusa Indah and some went directly to the flood locations to distribute logistics,” said the student from Class 2017.
Not only struggling in logistics distribution, she continued, she and the team also helped doctors to deal with flood victims, shopping and cooking for flood victims in large quantities. In fact, the team also worked together to clean the surrounding environment after the flood which was still submerged in mud, helping with data collection on flood victims, and many other activities.
“Delaying various work programs does not necessarily make this group feel disappointed. For us, the focus on helping the village of Bojong Kulur has been very meaningful, “he said.
During their evacuation, the affected residents received assistance from various donors, in clothing, logistics, medicines and other aids. All of the aids were very beneficial for the affected communities.
“We also provide assistance to children in refugee camps, especially to eliminate trauma,” she said. “During the post-flood handling process, our group learned a lot of valuable lessons and felt the real atmosphere of serving the community,” she concluded.
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat Editor: Nuri Hermawan