Preventing  stunting in Sumberkencono village, nine thematic KKN-BBM students socialize exclusive breastfeeding and MP-ASI

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UNAIR NEWS – Chronic nutritional problems that can lead to growth failure or a child’s condition is shorter than normal children (stunting) is one of the crucial health problems that need to be solved. Malnutrition can occur from the fetus in the womb until the beginning of the child’s first 1,000 days of birth.

Starting from this problem, nine students in the 61st Community Service Group (KKN-BBM) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in Sumberkencono Village, Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi conducted socialization about Breast Milk Complementary Foods (MP- ASI) in Sukun Health Center, Sumberkencono Village. Twenty members of the local Health Center attended the activity that was held on Thursday, January 09.

One of UNAIR nursing student, Rufaidah Fikriya explained that one way to prevent malnutrition is by fulfilling adequate nutrition from the baby in the womb until the growth period, especially between 6 months and 2 years. Rufa explained that the best food for babies aged 0-6 months is breast milk. According to her, breast milk contains complete nutrients that are easily absorbed completely and does not interfere with the kidney function of infants who are still weak.

“Providing food or drinks other than breast milk before six months can reduce milk production, increase the risk of infection, allergies, and reduce the bond of affection between mother and baby,” she explained.

Rufa also explained that toddlers aged six months and older need additional nutritional intake other than breast milk or commonly called MP-ASI. Furthermore, Breast Milk Complementary Food (MP- ASI) is food or drink containing nutrients given to babies or children to fulfill their nutritional needs.

In the activity, KKN-BBM UNAIR students not only conducted socialization on ASI and MPASI, but they also helped several local toddlers in weight-checking. It was done to ensure that toddlers in Sumberkencono Village had normal weight and height in accordance with their age.

One of staff Sukun Health Center, Fitri said this kind of socialization rarely held at the Health Center Sukun. Thus the activity could increase knowledge for mothers of children under five who initially underestimated exclusive breastfeeding and MP-ASI.

“Alhamdulilah, we are grateful to give socialization for mothers of toddlers,” she concluded.

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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