Sarah Vittorio Wins Best Group Innovation in 2019 Asia Pacific Millennial Conference in Malaysia

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UNAIR NEWS – Sarah Vittorio, a Political Science student from class 2018 made an achievement of as a member of a team in 2019 Asia Pacific Millennial Conference (APMC) Best Group Innovation on Friday, November 29, 2019 in Malaysia.

“Very happy to be one of the members in the group, I never expected to get this achievement. We just tried to give the best we could at that time, “Sarah said.

The Asia Pacific Millennial Conference (APMC) is an international student conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sarah joined a group that would present their ideas on SDGs. The group consists of students from all universities in the world, and Sarah is the only representative from Indonesia.

“The ability of my group was extraordinary, we tried to think ahead and present our innovation ideas in a presentation. At the end of the presentation, we received a round of applause and good comments from the jury, “Sarah explained.

Sarah said that she learned a lot of culture from various countries, got new relationships, and it was most memorable experience to her, meeting great people who inspire her to be more open minded about various things.

“One of the things that made my group win was was good teamwork, we went all out using our abilities and thoughts, we also explained as detailed as possible on the issue we presented,” Sarah added.

The 2019 Asia Pacific Millennial Conference (APMC) is attended by around 60 participants from various backgrounds. Sarah was very proud because APMC was her first competition during college. Another important reason is building relationships to continue and take part in many other activities.

“I am very grateful to get new friends, especially those in my group, although we were all busy, but fortunately we could communicate well. They were also very supportive in listening to different opinions from each other and it is, in my opinion, one attitude that needs to be encouraged, “concluded the Political Science student.

Author: Rissa Ayu F

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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