The influence of working mothers against dental caring behavior of preschoolers in the middle-class society of Banjarbaru city

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Dental caries is still a health problem that is often experienced by children. It is proven through World Health Organization (WHO) data which states that 60-90% of school children around the world suffer from dental caries. Dental caries that is not treated immediately can lead to impaired quality of life of children.

Indonesia is one of the countries with poor dental and oral health conditions. Of all provinces, South Kalimantan (36.1%) was the second region with the highest caries prevalence after South Sulawesi (36.2%). This problem motivates Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) team to find out the cause of the low public awareness of dental and oral health.

One member of the research team, Dr. Taufan Bramantoro, drg. M. Kes., said that many factors can influence children to maintain oral health. Among other things is the role of parents in providing information about health. Because the behavior of parents, especially mothers, is considered capable of influencing children’s habits.

“Because the mother is considered as the primary caregiver as well as the final decision maker regarding child care. However, the social conditions of each family are different. Some mothers choose to work to achieve a maximum standard of living or social status. According to data from the 2015 Central Bureau of Statistics in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, 62.45% of women work in a bureaucratic environment, “said drg. Taufan.

Women who work in the public sphere to meet economic and social motivation are classified in the middle class because they have a steady income and are well educated. The research team then attempted to analyze the relationship between age and mother’s education working on the behavior of preschoolers in taking care of their teeth.

“As a result, age and education level of working mothers do not have an impact on their behavior in maintaining children’s oral health. Working mothers have the possibility of stress and fatigue, so they tend not to pay attention to the oral health of their children. This is under research which states that education is not always directly proportional to childcare patterns, “he explained.

The study also found that mothers with good dental and oral health knowledge did not always behave well. Thus, good knowledge is not always adapted to behavior. However, there was a significant relationship between the history of experiencing dental and oral problems in the elderly with the level of dental caries in children.

“The results of this study can be a reference to find various alternative promotive and preventive programs in the community to encourage them to have the habit of maintaining oral health. Especially children through a family approach, especially mothers who are the closest and first person in providing education and instilling good behavior, “concluded drg. Taufan. (*)

Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Informasi detail tentang riset ini dapat dilihat di:

Isnawati, R Darmawan Setijanto, Taufan Bramantoro, Dinda Dewi Zalinda. 2019. Age and Education Distribution Patterns of Working Mothers on Dental Health Behavior in Preschool Children in Mid-Class Society. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Developmen . Jul2019, Vol. 10 Issue 7, p867-871. 5p.

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