Expert: companies must provide employee counseling facilities to reduce stress levels

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – “Companies must continue to monitor and provide counseling facilities for workers to reduce stress levels. If this is fulfilled, the company will be able to improve the quality and productivity of work, and the company’s targets can be achieved, “said Dr. Abdul Rohim Drs., M. Kes.

Based on the results of preliminary studies, Dr. Abdul Rohim obtained information that more than 90 percent of workers have experienced workplace stress. The factors that enable the emergence of work pressure are the length of work and social support of workers in completing their duties.

The topic motivates Dr. Abdul Rohim Tualeka Drs., M. Kes and the team to conduct research. In the study, Dr. Abdul Rohim uses a population of 40 aircraft maintenance workers in the airline.

Based on the results of the study, it was found that as much as 85.4 percent of the workforce had social support in the high category. As many as 61 percent of workers have moderate levels of job stress.

“Besides, it was also found that the majority of workers experienced moderate job pressure, this was because the workload was felt quite fallow,” said Dr. Abdul Rohim Tualeka.

Furthermore, Dr. Abdul Rohim Tualeka said that there was a negative relationship between the length of work and the stress level of the aircraft maintenance company employees.

“This means, the longer the work period, the lower the work stress,” he explained.

According to him, the work period has an important influence in triggering the emergence of work stress. Due to the possibility that workers with longer service periods tend to have better abilities and understanding in doing their jobs. Conversely, workers whose work period is short, has the potential to trigger the emergence of work stress.

Author: Sandi Prabowo

Editor  :  Nuri Hermawan


Faiza, R.N., FAuziah, S.M., & Tualeka, A.R. (2019) The Relation Between Job Tenure and Social Support Period of Coworkers and Superiors with Work Stress on Aircraft Maintenance Officier at Airlines Company. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Science (MJHS) Vol. 15 Supplement 3.  

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