UNAIR NEWS – Monopterus albus is a freshwater fish commodity that is consumed by many people. However, the fish on the market do not guarantee to be free from nematode worm infections. Nematodes are zoonotic worms in humans.
Information regarding nematode worm infections in monopterus albus is still limited. Therefore, a lecturer at Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (FPK) Study Program Off Main Campus (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga Moh. Faizal Ulkhaq, S.Pi., M.Si along with colleagues and students conducted research to uncover nematode worm infections in monopterus albus in the traditional market of Banyuwangi Regency.
“A total of 300 monopterus albus samples were obtained from 5 traditional markets in Banyuwangi Regency, namely Rogojampi Market, Genteng, Srono, Cluring, and Banyuwangi. “Then the examination related to nematode worm infestation on organs which are used to be the nematode worm’s living place,” explained the lecturer who is familiarly called Faizal.
Faizal explained that the organs examined were muscles, liver, kidneys, abdominal cavity, and intestines. Furthermore, the nematode worm is fixed in 5% glycerin alcohol. The nematode worms found are stored and counted separately.
“After fixation, nematode worms are stained using the Semichen-Acetic Carmine method. “To find out the genus and species of nematode worms then identified based on morphological structure,” he said.
As many as 14% of monopterus albus examined infected with larvae (L3) from 2 nematode worms with the genus Eustrongylides ignotus (63.2%) and Pingus sinensis (36.8%) found in the liver (32.4 %), muscle (1.2%), kidney (0.4%). While in the abdominal cavity found as much as 24.8% and intestinal cavity as much as 41.2%.
“Our research is expected to provide information related to the presence of nematode worm infections in monopterus albus at the traditional market of Banyuwangi Regency. Thus, it can be an essential note for consumers, in particular, to always be vigilant and ensure monopterus albus that will be consumed are appropriately processed because nematode worm can attack fresh fish too, ” he said.
Author: Dian Putri Apriliani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan
Link : https://ivj.org.in/users/members/viewarticles.aspx?ArticleView=1&ArticleID=9296
Bakti, D.I., G. Mahasri, M.A. Alamsjah, A.A. Abdillah, M.F Ulkhaq. 2019. Nematodosis Infection on Monopterus albus (Sybranchiformes: Sybranchidae) from Traditional Market in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Indian Veterinary Journal, 96(11): 62-64.