UNAIR experts reveal high factors for stunting in toddlers

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Riskesdas results in 2013 showed the stunting rate in East Java 2010 increased from 34.85 (in 2008) to 35.8% (in 2010). Meanwhile, East Java is a microcosm in terms of child health achievement in Indonesia; therefore there is a need for prevention to reduce stunting in East Java.

That was the background of Ilya Krisnana, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., with the team to conduct research. According to him, the mother’s role is very dominant in child development. Infants to toddlers age of three years are passive consumers. The food is depending on what the mother or caregiver provides.

“Mothers should pay attention to the intake of nutrients consumed by children, so the growth and development of children according to their age. Proper nutrition contains balanced nutrition (rice, vegetables, side dishes, fruit and milk) with the number and frequency of giving according to age, “he said.

One of the causes of improper nutritional intake is the wrong behavior of mothers in giving food to infants due to the amount of food that was not appropriate, the type of food, and the frequency of feeding in a day.

“This research was conducted on mothers of reproductive age and work as housewives,” he said.

Based on this research, it is known that the diets given by mothers to stunting children are divided into four, which are very good (2.9%), good (13.8%), sufficient (35.9%) and low (46.9%). It shows that the knowledge and attitudes do not show a relationship with stunting children eating patterns, while the income and role of people are very influential on stunting children’s eating patterns.

So it is expected that good knowledge can be balanced with an adequate amount of income to provide food that is appropriate to the nutritional needs of children to prevent stunting. Health level is directly active to convey information and support for families, especially preventing and handling stunting children.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Details of research can be viewed here:


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