UNAIR NEWS – Sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus) are the fruits of sunflowers that have several nutrients, such as protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrients contained in sunflower seeds are currently widely used for several things in the health sector.
Lecturer of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Study Program Off Main Campus (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi, Bodhi Agustono, drh., M.Si. with his colleagues revealed the other side of sunflower seeds. Local people use it as flour for supplementation in broiler chicken feed.
“So far there have been no studies on the activity of digestive enzymes and the histological representation of the intestines of broiler chickens in the starter phase which are fed with sunflower seeds. Thus, we want to uncover the other side of sunflower seeds benefit, “said the lecturer who is familiarly called Bodhi.
Broiler chicken was chosen as a research subject because it is still considered as the most popular animal protein needs in the community. Besides, in Banyuwangi Regency broiler breeders are easy to find.
“Our research is still at the level of preliminary research. Thus, there are possibilities for the use of natural ingredients which can still be utilized by the community going forward, ” he explained.
The study was carried out for three months, and we use 50 broilers which are given four treatments so that each treatment requires 20 broilers.
The results shown in this study were that the treatment of sunflower seed meal as much as 45% had the highest amylase enzyme activity compared to the percentage of other treatments for broiler chicken growth in the starter phase. Effect of supplemented sunflower seed flour on the feed by 35%, 40%, 45% shows significant villi height compared to other treatments during the starter broiler phase.
“Hopefully our research can be used as a reference for the use of sunflower seeds as an alternative feed in Indonesian broiler chickens,” he hoped.
Author: Dian Putri Apriliani
Editor : Nuri Hermawan
Link terkait tulisan di atas: https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?
Bodhi A., M.A. Al Arif, M.N. Yunita, M.T. E. Purnama, M. F. Ulkhaq. 2019. Bioactivity of Digestive Enzymes and Histological Descriptions of Jejunum of Broilers Supplemented with Sun Flower Seed Flour (Helianthus Annuus L). Indian Veterinary Journal, 96(08): 12-15.