Through ASEA-UNINET UNAIR conduct collaborative research with international researchers

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Researchers meeting which took place in Kahuripan Room, 3rd Floor, Campus C Building, UNAIR. (Photo: Sugeng Andrean)

UNAIR NEWS – After hosting ASEA-UNINET Joint Program for Inbound Staff Mobility in last September 2019, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held another meeting with lecturer representatives from several domestic and international universities which are the member of ASEA-UNINET on Tuesday, December 17 in Kahuripan Room, 3rd Floor, Campus C Building, UNAIR.  

The meeting discussed the collaboration between ASEA-UNINET member universities, especially in collaborative research or joint research. Besides, all of ASEA-UNINET will collaborate to conduct joint research.

Prof., Ir. Moch Amin Alamsjah M.Si., Ph.D. as Vice-Rector III explained that eight researchers would conduct further collaborative research with UNAIR. The researchers came from Mara Technology University, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Burapha University Thailand, and also Bandung Institute of Technology.

In the meeting, the lecturers who will conduct research together with UNAIR lecturers and students were welcomed by Prof. Amin to show their research result. He hopes that the research teams from various universities will be able to work together with UNAIR.

“Hopefully, we can collaborate  with eight researchers sent by several universities,” said Prof. Amin

In accelerating UNAIR towards Top 500 University, he explained that UNAIR was concerned with several programs related to international recognition, one of them was in the joint research and joint publication program.

“From the collaborative research program with researchers, we hope that it will attract a lot of citations from the publication and will automatically increase the researchers’ h-index at UNAIR as well, which is very influential for UNAIR to reach the top 500 universities, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Sugeng Andrean

Editor : Binti Q Masruroh

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