Experts: pay attention to psychological aspects in improving hemodialysis client compliance

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Experts from Universitas Airlangga will not stop to continue to conduct various useful researches. One of UNAIR’s experts Dr. Ika Yuni Widyawati S.Kep.Ns., M.Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.MB., conducted research around Psychological Aspects in Improving Hemodialysis Client Compliance.

Regarding this, he explained that hemodialysis or dialysis is one of the kidney replacement therapies for clients with end-stage kidney disease. Hemodialysis is needed when the kidneys are unable to perform their function in removing substances in the body.

“Clients who have to undergo hemodialysis face various challenges and problems both related to health conditions and related rules that must be followed while undergoing hemodialysis,” she said.

Adherence to fluid restrictions is one of the main challenges for hemodialysis patients. Compliance is the primary key to success in treatment. Changes in fluctuations in physical and psychosocial conditions in dialysis patients seem to contribute to the inability of dialysis patients to maintain adherence.

“Specific factors associated with changes in physical and psychological conditions such as dialysis duration, severity, stress, motivation, and perception of adherence and peer support need to be analyzed further to find out whether these factors also affect dialysis patients’ compliance in fluid restriction,” she explained.

Furthermore, he said that the results of the research conducted showed 89.6% showed low adherence to fluid restriction and 91% of them were in the category of very high-stress levels. Stress level, he said, is a significant predictor of adherence to fluid restriction.

“Distress and psychological disorders are significant problems for patients with Late Stage Chronic Kidney Disease,” she said.

In the end, she said that dialysis patients are prone to stress mainly because of exposure to hemodialysis stressors and various rules that must be followed. Other stressors are life problems, whether related to the economy, personal relationships with spouses, with children or other family members, social relations, work, even education. Not only that, the physical and psychosocial changes experienced by dialysis patients contribute to the achievement of compliance with fluid restrictions.

“This study shows that psychological changes that is stress experienced by dialysis patients are the main predictors of fluid restriction compliance. Dialysis nurses need to consider the psychological changes experienced by patients and plan interventions under the psychological conditions experienced, “she concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


Widyawati Ika Yuni, Nursalam, Kusnanto, Hargono Rachmat. 2019. Personal Factors that Affect Adherence of Fluid Restriction in Patient with Hemodialysis. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Volume : 10, Issue : 3.

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