To Upgrade Education Management, STIKes YPIB Majalengka Holds Visit to UNAIR

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UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) received a visit from the Imam Bonjol Health Sciences College of Education (STIKes YPIB) Majalengka on Wednesday, December 11. Located in Kahuripan Room 301, 3rd Floor, Campus Management Office C UNAIR, the visit went smoothly. A total of 12 delegates from STIKES YPIB Majalengka led by H. Satmaja visited UNAIR.

The delegation of STIKES YPIB Majalengka was welcomed by Director of UNAIR Education, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, drh., DEA. Prof. Bambang accompanied by UNAIR Director of Finance, Dr. Ardianto SE., M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA. along with representatives from Information System, PIPS, and UNAIR Infrastructure Facilities.

Dr. Wawan Kurniawan, SKM., M. Kes.,  as Head of YPIB Majalengka STIKES revealed that YPIB Majalengka STIKES visited UNAIR because of the reputation. Besides, UNAIR is one of the leading state universities in national and international scale.

“We want to gain knowledge of education management. Thus, our university management can be developed in the future,” he explained.

As I said earlier, he continued, YPIB will turn into a university. As we know, UNAIR has been around for a long time and already has experience.

“There are many study programs at UNAIR. Hopefully, with this comparative study, we can follow the successes that UNAIR has achieved, “he added.

Dr. Wawan representing the group of YTIB Majalengka said that the visitation went well. UNAIR has been very extraordinary in terms of both reception and delivery. Several questions have also been answered very well.

“Thank you. We hope that UNAIR will be better in the future,” he concluded. (*)

Writer : Sandi Prabowo

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

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