These six factors do not affect the survival of breast cancer patients

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – A study published in one of New Armenian international journals proves that six factors do not affect the survival of people with breast cancer. The factors are age, breastfeeding status, menopausal status, contraception, histopathological type, and stage of cancer.

The result was proven by three academics from Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. The research was conducted at One-Stop Oncology Polyclinic (POSA) Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya for the period May-August 2012.

Prof. Ami Ashariati MD., PhD., as one of the researchers revealed the research uses descriptive-analytic. The subjects in this study had undergone breast cancer surgery with an open biopsy such as mastectomy (breast removal) and the patients are in stages I, II, IIIa, IIIb because the survival rate is longer and there are more possibilities for long-term monitoring.

“Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women in Indonesia. The data is based on Indonesian National Cancer Registry (IACR). There was 15% of cancer deaths in women, “she said.

“One important factor of breast cancer, Estrogen Receptor (ER) is useful to determine the response of patients who receive hormonal therapy,” she added.

From the study, Prof. Ami found 36 patients with ER-positive breast cancer, 12 patients age over 50 years. Supported by studies in America, the use of Tamoxifen for five years in patients less than 50 years is more effective rather than 50 years above.

“Five years of treatment with Tamoxifen can reduce the risk of recurrence and death with a positive ER,” she said.

Prof. Ami stated the average survival of 36 cancer patients with ER-positive is 2.69 years. The highest number of patients with ER-positivity to stadium IIIB. However, there was no significant difference in the survival of 36 cancer patients based on the stage of cancer.

“In this study, the survival of less than one year and between 2-3 years was found in 8 patients, 22.2% each of a total of 36 cancer patients. Furthermore, cancer patients with a survival of more than 5 years are very minimal with the number of 2 patients (5.6%), “she said.

In general, the status of breastfeeding shows the chances of survival of cancer patients decreases. There are 24 patients out of a total of 36 having ER-positive breastfeeding status. The survival rate of patients with breastfeeding status is 2.3 years, while the non-breastfeeding status is 2.6 years. Thus, the survival status of breastfeeding is relatively lower than non-breastfeeding.

“Based on menopause status, out of the 36 patients who were examined for ER levels, most of them had non-menopausal status or still menstruating 22 times. “The average survival rate of patients with non-menopausal status is 2.2 years, while the menopause status is 2.6 years,” she said.

Based on the use of contraception, there were 18 sufferers not using this type of contraception. Their average survival was 2.2 years; using contraception was 2.7 years. Then, the average survival rate of cancer patients grouped by histopathology is 2.6 years.

“This research proves that age, breastfeeding status, menopausal status, contraceptive use, histopathological type, and cancer stage do not affect survival in people with breast cancer,” he said. (*)

Author: Feri Fenoria

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


Nisvi Dewi, Ami Ashariati, S Ugroseno Yudho Bintoro. 2019. Factors Related to The Survival of Breast Cancer Patients with Positive Expression of Estrogen Receptor Receiving Adjuvant Antiestrogen Therapy. The New Armenian Medical Journal, Vol.13 Nо 1, p. 20-26.

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