Expert: managers has a role in creating a knowledge sharing between employees

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) lecturer contributes scientific publications to universities again. Alfiyatul Qomariyah S.Ak., M.BA., Ph.D. or who is familiarly called Alfiyatul conducts research entitled Managing expatriate knowledge sharing process: the roles of source and recipient contexts.

Alfiyatul explained knowledge sharing is an activity of sharing knowledge between employees. With work within a company or organization, employees are required to be able to conduct knowledge sharing effectively so that the vital knowledge obtained by employees can be spread equally.

“Therefore, managers need to understand the factors that can motivate and encourage employees to share their knowledge effectively,” explained Alfiyatul.

Previous research explained the main factors that influence the success of knowledge sharing are source and recipient factors. These factors include motivation, opportunity, cultural intelligence, and self-efficacy.

“A great employee Employees can deliver the message effectively during knowledge sharing,” she continued.

In connection with these characteristics, managers should pay attention to employees aspect who are assigned abroad or expatriates. If there are shortcomings of prospective expatriates, managers need to provide training and assistance before departure.

It is essential because expatriates are tasked to convey information from the company center to managers or employees in branch companies. The information or knowledge will be carried well if expatriates can implement knowledge sharing effectively.

“The failure of expatriates in spreading knowledge will be bad for the company as well as a great loss because to run expatriates requires no small amount of funds,” she explained.

The research result indicates that what influences expatriates to do knowledge sharing is an opportunity, not motivation. Thus, expatriates can share knowledge if there is an opportunity in the form of adequate time and facilities.

“If expatriates are required to do other things that take up the bustle, then that opportunity cannot be obtained,” said Alfiyatul.

Besides, research conducted shows that self-efficacy harms knowledge sharing. It can happen if some expatriates might judge themselves to be capable or experts in some issues, but he knows nothing about it.

“Based on the factors discussed above, it is important for managers to select expatriates who will be sent abroad so that they can transfer knowledge effectively,” he concluded.

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Reference: Li-Yueh Lee, Alfiyatul Qomariyah. 2019. Managing expatriate knowledge sharing process: the roles of source and recipient contexts. International Journal of Services and Standards, 2018 Vol.12 No.3 / 4, pp.332 – 346.


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