IPSI UNAIR wins in Kota Pahlawan Championship 2019

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UNAIR NEWS – Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) team won the overall championship at Heroes City Championship 2019. The event is national martial arts competition held on November 23-25, 2019 at GOR Pertamina Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (November 10 ITS), Surabaya.

The event was also the first martial arts competition held in Surabaya. The competition is a collaboration between the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), the governor of East Java, the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), and East Java IPSI.

As many as 20 athletes from UNAIR competed in the event. They came from Student Activity Unit (UKM) self-defense in UNAIR who are members of IPSI. Previously, athletes had to pass a selection. There are two categories, namely sparring and art category.

Nailatul Muizah as Head of UKM PSHT said several martial arts institutions from various regions in Indonesia were there. “Lots of various kinds of universities. From various regions in Indonesia participated in this competition,” she said.

UNAIR won 10 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 5 bronze medals. The details are Eny Mayang Sari as first winner in class C; Oktasari Atus Solikha as the first winner of class D; Zakiyatul Miskiyah as the second runner up; Ardhiyeni Hesti Oktavia as the first winner; Izzah Afkarina and Wima Setya R as the first place winner of team; Uswatun Hasanah as the second place winner; Muhammad Vendrika Annahldi as the first place winner in class A; Ellyzabeth Putri Vizandra as the first place winner of team; Lintang Soctya Daru as the first place winner in class G; Abi Prayodi as third place winner of class D; Syahrul Wahyudi as first place winner in class B; Ilham Taufiqi as the third place winner in class C; Muhammad Arie Permana as the first winner of class H; Nur Atik Falupi as the second place winner in class A; Rika Nazihah as the third place winner in class A; Nailatul Muizah as the third place winner in class C; and Devy Nadya as the first place winner in class F.

The achievement brought UNAIR team to win first place in the 2019 Heroes City Championship. According to Nailatul, the key to winning a silat race is to fight, train, stay motivated, and never give up. Besides that, the main thing is praying.

“The key to winning a martial arts competition is practising, praying and never giving up” he concluded. (*)

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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