FIB Students Joins the 7th International Academic Society of Conference in Hatyai Thailand

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UNAIR NEWS – Fariz Ilham Rosyidi, Sabilil Wafa Wardana, and Dyta Septiyantik from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga participated in the 7th Asian Academic Society International Conference (AASIC) at Hatyai Thailand on Tuesday, November 12.

AASIC is organized by Indonesian Student Association in Thailand (PERMITHA) supported by Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok and KRI Shongkala. The event was held at Jannaty Hotel, Hatyai and attended by Dicky Komar as Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Bangkok, Prof.Dr.Muftari, M.Pd as Culture Attaché at KBBRI in Bangkok, Miss Suphitcha Ek –Uru as Assistant of President for Promotion of Foreign Affairs and 200 students.

“We want to reduce urbanization by optimizing the tourism village in Kemiren Banyuwangi, from there we want to strengthen back to the village and make tourism a benchmark of economic self-sufficiency,” said Fariz Ilham Rosyidi.

Fariz said the reason for choosing Desa Kemiren Banyuwangi is because the location is close to Bali and its tourism.

The village has many unique characteristics of Osing Tribe, a mixture of Islamic, Hindu also Kejawen and Kemiren traditions which are very close to the appropriate tourist attractions, we could be one of the pilot projects to develop a modern village,” he added.

For FIB students, not only they attended the conferences but also gained more new insights about various cultures.

“My friends and I went to Thailand by car from Kuala Lumpur to Hatyai, and it took 8.5 hours to get there. The trip was awe-inspiring because we could see Malay, Thai, Indian and Chinese culture, “he added.

Hopefully, the government can raise get new insight from the conferences as a reference for policy-making studies in society. (*)

Author: Rissa Ayu F

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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