Young UNAIR professor studies correlation between individuals and product innovation

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The youngest professor of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, Ph.D., has conducted a study on product innovation. In his research publication, the professor known well as Prof. Badri explained that the performance and survival of an organization depend on how innovative the product is.

“In other words, if the new product development (NPD) team only relies on what is believed so far and the routines followed before, it is certain that the products they produce will not be innovative,” he said.

So, continued Prof. Badri, the NPD team’s unlearning ability, to change the beliefs and routines in essential. To adjust the changes in the environment will determine how successful the organization is in producing innovative products.

“The question is, what causes the NPD team to unlearn?” he said.

In contrast to the other aspects, he continued, in the research his team conducted, there were individual compositions in the NPD team facing dynamic environmental changes. According to Prof. Badri, it makes the NPD team members experience crisis and confusion.

“With members consisting of individuals who always see the positive side of the challenges, NPD team will be able to do unlearning,” he explained.

Furthermore, Prof. Badri said that individuals with high skills would try to carry out the tasks as well as possible. Furthermore, continued Prof. Badri, individuals with high resilience will be able to adapt through improvisations in facing challenges and uncertainties.

In the end, said Prof. Badri, individuals who have high optimism not only have a high inner-drive but also how to respond to external conditions so the objectives will be achieved.

“To develop innovative new products, the NPD team with high optimism will not hesitate to do unlearning so the products produced are innovative,” he stated.

Author: Nuri Hermawn

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


Badri Munir Sukoco and Les-Tien-Shang Lee (2017). The Effects of Psychological Capital and Team Strain on the Effectiveness of NPD Teams: The Moderating Role of Perceived Diversity Climate. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(6): 1750032-1 – 1750032-30;

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