UNAIR scientists study causes of student violence at school

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAR NEWS – Educational problems are often about cases of violence involving teachers when punishing students or seniors who want to discipline their juniors. This is what attracted Tutik Budi Rahayu and her colleagues in examining the root causes of violent cases in schools. According to her, violent conflict like this causes an imbalance of relations between the perpetrators and victims of the violence.

She discovered the fact at school that most students had experienced violence both around the school and outside of school, and more violence occurred in the school environment.

“Perpetrators and victims of violence in general are fellow students at school. But at every level of education that students go through, the perpetrators of violence vary. At the elementary and high school levels, the most violent perpetrators are fellow students, while at junior high school level, the most perpetrators of violence are teachers in schools, ” she said.

The violence, she added, has several causes, such as students who are too naughty, teacher’s lack of understanding on violence and the negative impact that will occur thereafter. “Teachers often use authority they have. It is caused by the large number of teachers who think that by giving punishment to students, these students will be deterrent and not repeat their mistakes, ” she said.

However, she continued, the impact of violence will result in rudeness and inclination to hatred to teacher. The cause of this problem is motivated by the current weaknesses of educational institutions. She stressed that with the change of curriculum which tends to be static, curriculum burdens teachers and students, tight learning schedule and lack of supervision from the education agency are often be the causes of violence occurring at schools, especially when many parents of students dare to complain these problems.

“Many parents do not dare to speak out or have dialogue with children to monitor children’s development at school. So supervision of children does not go well, ” she said.

From the results of this study, Tutik identified that most students had experienced violence, both in the school environment and outside of school. The types of violence are verbal, physical, indirect, and repressive violence.

“But from the 4 types of violence, physical, verbal and indirect have the highest intensity,” she said.

However, it can be dealt with a conducive academic climate, to reduce the number of occurrence of violence experienced by students and they can also enjoy the atmosphere of learning and teaching activities that are comfortable and enjoyable.

“The academic climate include a variety of activities that support student learning needs, intra / extra-curricular activities in schools, the availability of adequate infrastructure in schools, and fair / balanced attention from teachers towards their students,” she concluded.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan



Tuti Budirahayu, Novri Susan. 2018. Violence at School and Its Root Causes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (IcoCSPA 2017).

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