UNAIR lecturers’ suggestion to reduce diarrhea patients in East Java

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The government is expected to pay attention to some factors in reducing the number of diarrhea sufferers in East Java. It is necessary for the government to pay attention to the percentage of population with access to good sanitation. The second is the variable related to healthy food.

The conclusion was revealed by M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, S.Si, M.Si., one of the lecturers of Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga in his research, in a scientific journal paper entitled Modeling of Diarrheal Sufferers Percentage and Certified Drinking Water Providers in East Java Using Bivariate Binomial Negative Regression Method.

Fariz studied the percentage of diarrhea sufferers and drinking water supplies in East Java. In that study, a statistical reading method was used in revealing the correlation of factors causing diarrheal disease. One of them is related to the availability of clean water in the community.

“The emergence of diarrheal disease caused by food and drinks exposed to viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Diarrhea usually occurs due to lack of clean water meeting health requirements, “he said.

Many people, continued Fariz, ignored the dangers of unclean water so it could cause diarrhea. Faris revealed previous research on the incidence of diarrhea with a spatial approach showed that the variables influencing the incidence of diarrhea are distance and drinking water facilities. The research only models the number of diarrhea sufferers and clean drinking water facilities individually, although there is a medical correlation between the two.

“These two factors are more useful if they are modeled together. One statistical method that can be used is the bivariate binomial negative regression model which is a development of negative binomial regression, “he said.

Bivariate negative binomial regression method is a regression method to model a pair of response variables, each of which has a negative and correlated binomial distribution. In its application, Fariz conducted research on modeling the percentage of diarrhea sufferers and drinking water supplies meeting the health requirements in East Java.

“Because based on the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), East Java is one of the provinces in Indonesia with a high number of diarrhea cases in Java,” he said.

The result showed average percentage of diarrhea sufferers was 26.316 percent with a maximum value of 75.56 percent in Sidoarjo Regency. And the minimum value was 1.62 percent in Kediri City. While the average number of drinking water supplies meeting the health requirements was 144 with a maximum value of 1,199 in the City of Surabaya and a minimum value of 5 in the Regency of Sampang.

“Statistically, data on the percentage of diarrhea sufferers and the amount of drinking water supplies meeting the health requirements has a negative binomial distribution. And, there is a significant relationship between the percentage of diarrhea sufferers and the number of drinking water supplies meeting the health requirements, “he said.

Meanwhile, according to Fariz, in the planning efforts to increase healthy drinking water, the government can pay attention to the percentage of the population with adequate sanitation access, including variables related to healthy food, literacy rates related to community education in determining whether the surrounding water is healthy, and the percentage of public places meeting the health requirements, specifically drinking water supplies. (*) Author: Feri Fenoria

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia  


N A P Rahmayanti, Y S M., Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, 2019, Modelling of Diarrheal Sufferers Percentage and Certified Drink Water Providers in East Java Using Bivariate Binomial Negative Regression Method publish di Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1306 012037 pp 1-10 (Scopus Q3).

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