Synthesis of Protein Enhance the Taste of Broiler Chicken to be  Free-Range Chicken

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Broiler or commonly known as broiler chicken has protein Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS) in its body. The SOCS protein plays a role in terminating Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (STAT) signaling, which encourages an increased effect of growth hormone on broilers. Thus, the presence of SOCS protein can inhibit the growth and quality of broilers.

Prof. Dr. Anwar Ma’ruf, M. Kes., Drh explained that by identifying the molecular weight and amino acid composition of the SOCS protein. There will be an opportunity to make specific proteins that can increase the effects of growth hormone on broilers.

“Our results show that there is SOCS-1 protein in broiler liver tissue. SOCS-1 protein is a protein that functions as negative feedback on the growth of broilers through growth hormone, “explained the lecturer who is familiarly called Prof. The Anwar.

Growth hormone itself is a regulator (regulator, red) is the primary growth and metabolism of the body. The metabolic effects of these growth hormones include increased speed of protein synthesis throughout the body, increased transport of fatty acids from fat tissue, and increased use of fatty acids as an energy source.

The binding of growth hormone with its receptors will be able to activate Janus Kinase 2 (JAK 2) and phosphorylates tyrosine. The tyrosine then forms a binding site for several signaling proteins, such as STAT protein. Thus, STAT protein will stimulate growth.

“The SOCS-1 protein can interact directly with JAK, which can then inhibit JOR 2 tyrosine phosphorylation and subsequently will stop the phosphorylation of STAT-5a tyrosine, DNA binding and expression of STAT-5b mediated genes,” he continued.

Meanwhile, the work of SOCS-2 on the signaling of STAT proteins induced by growth proteins is not yet clearly known. Meanwhile, SOCS-3 is rapidly caused in the liver by growth hormone, which shows that SOCS-3 plays an essential role in terminating the STAT protein signaling.

The study used the cytoplasmic domain of tyrosil growth hormone receptor (GHR), which was phosphorylated in bacteria by kinases other than JAK2. The results showed that SOCS-3 and other SOCS could bind directly to GHR.

“This shows the importance of the use of JHR2 phosphorylated GHR in determining the mechanism of JAK2 inhibition by SOCS,” explained Prof. Anwar

By knowing the molecular weight and amino acid composition of broiler chicken SOCS proteins, it can then be developed to make an anti-SOCS synthesis. With the creation of anti-SOCS synthesis, it can open wide opportunities to create broilers that grow fast, have less fat, are high in protein and feel like free-range chicken meat.

Anti SOCS synthesis can later be given in drinking water, feed or injected directly into broilers. In the future, it is hoped that further research will be made to produce anti-SOCS synthesis protein and trials in several animals.

“This research can be a prelude to enhance the taste of chicken broilers to be free-range chicken,” concluded Prof. Anwar

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Reference: Ma’ruf, Anwar, Nunuk Dyah Retno L, Ratna Damayanti, Nove Hidajati, and M Gandul Atik. “SOCS (Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling) protein as material to enhance the effects of growth hormone in broilers.” Eurasia J Biosci 13, no. 2 (2019): 701-705.

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