UNAIR scientists study causes of student violence at school
UNAR NEWS – Educational problems are often about cases of violence involving teachers when punishing students or seniors who want […]
UNAR NEWS – Educational problems are often about cases of violence involving teachers when punishing students or seniors who want […]
UNAR NEWS – Persoalan dunia pendidikan seringkali diwarnai dengan kasus kekerasan yang melibatkan guru ketika menghukum atau senior yang ingin
UNAIR NEWS – “The gender wage gap in Japan is quite high, the third highest among OECD countries.” It is
UNAIR NEWS – “Kesenjangan upah gender di Jepang cukup tinggi yaitu peringkat ketiga tertinggi di antara negara-negara OECD.” Begitulah petikan
UNAIR NEWS – The free education for the poor is a moral and constitutional obligation. Marhaeni Mega Wijayanti, a lecturer
UNAIR NEWS – Keberadaan pendidikan gratis bagi masyarakat miskin adalah kewajiban moral dan konstitusional. Marhaeni Mega Wijayanti Dosen Fakultas Ilmu
UNAIR NEWS – Humans are created as perfect creatures. Not only physical, but also equipped with biological, psychological, social, and
UNAIR NEWS – Manusia diciptakan sebagai makhluk yang paling sempurna. Tidak hanya berupa fisik, namun juga dilengkapi oleh komponen biologis,
UNAIR NEWS – Programming courses are considered as challenging subjects for both lecturers and students. Students still believe that programming
UNAIR NEWS – Mata kuliah pemrograman dianggap sebagai mata kuliah yang menantang baik bagi dosen maupun mahasiswa. Hal tersebut karena