Imported Films are Still More Popular than Local Films in Indonesia

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The lack of variety in local film production has also contributed to the high interest in imported films for Indonesian people. As revealed by M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, S.Si, M.Si in his scientific journal entitled Comparative Analysis of The Competitiveness between Indonesian Movies against International Movie.

Fariz revealed the results through research by comparing the competitiveness of local films and imported films in Indonesia. Including through what factors are considered by someone in choosing a film.

“The data used are primary data through online surveys that include sociodemographic information, interest in local or imported films, as well as the interests, behavior, and motivation of viewers for local and imported films,” he said.

Fariz revealed that public interest in watching imported films turned out to be higher compared to local films. This is supported by factors that influence someone in choosing the film as well as people’s behavior before watching a film.

“Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to significantly determine indicators of factors affecting local films and imported films,” he said.

“The question given is related to the community’s preference for film, local film factors, and film import factors. Competition between local and imported films can be assessed from various aspects, “he added.

Based on the results of the analysis, continued Fariz, the high interest in imported films was influenced by several factors. Among them, the genre, the quality of likes and dislikes as well as aspects of quality include acting, script, story plot, scene taking, animation, visual effects, and audio. Meanwhile, several aspects of quality that led to the dominance of imported films, namely script, audio, character development, scene taking, visual and image quality, and animation.

“Meanwhile, the quality aspects that stand out from local films, namely the actions of the cast and moral message,” he said.

Fariz explained there are quite striking differences in the genre of imported films and local films of interest. Imported films dominate in the genre of action, adventure, fantasy, science fiction, musicals, thrillers, action, and animation. Meanwhile, local films with the genre of comedy, romance, drama, and history or biographies of figures are more popular.

Media promotion of films is also a factor of competitiveness of local films and imported films. The promotion of film through posts on social media by the cast and through Adlips on an activity or TV program is more effective as a promotion for local films compared to imported films.

“Competition in local films and imported films in Indonesia is very tight. Indonesia should make an innovation to improve the competitiveness and quality of local films, “he said.

Fariz said the development of a film curriculum in Indonesia needs to be developed. For example, it is related to competence. Students are encouraged to create and develop a character, write a narrative or dialogue script, and understand the process and technology in filmmaking.

“The government is also expected to hold film festivals and film exhibitions at the provincial and regional levels. Especially to find potential talents, both as scriptwriters, directors, film players, and other positions through schools, “he said.

“Especially by raising Indonesian values, local stories and Indonesian culture to be represented in the form of a film. With intensive marketing, it can elevate Indonesian films worldwide, “he added. (*)

Penulis: Feri Fenoria
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


M.Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, Disty Ridha Hastuti, Devayanti Anugerahing Husada, Raka Andriawan . 2019. Comparative Analysis of The Competitiveness between Indonesian Movies against International Movie, as a Reference in Developing Indonesia’s Cinema and Curriculum about Cinematography. Published in International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (IJICC), Volume 5, Issue 3, pp 685–707  (Scopus Q3).

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