UNAIR NEWS – Questioning about the relationship of health workers with maternal health motivated Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Si., Ph.D., and the team conducted research. The maternal mortality is the second highest cause of death among women of reproductive age, and nearly eight hundred women die every day due to various reasons.
Maternal mortality is experienced around twenty million women around the world which caused death and disability without proper prevention or care. Thus, continuous improvement in maternal health received significant attention from global stakeholders.
“The Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs set a target to reduce the maternal mortality ratio by 70 deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030,” he said.
Although Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) has declined, he continued, Indonesia is a developing country with a high number of maternal deaths. The availability of competent health workers in assisting births in health service facilities, according to him, is the primary strategy in Indonesia to prevent delays in managing maternal emergencies.
“Health personnel is a significant component in the health system. By improving maternal health, the appropriate staff is highly recommended to be policymakers from international and national institutions, “Ferry said.
Furthermore, the research involved data on nursing staff, including undergraduate nurses and diploma nurses. Meanwhile, midwifery staff consists of undergraduate midwives and diploma midwives. For him, the appropriate staff is an essential component in providing quality care. The research results indicate the average level of nursing, obstetrics and gynecology in the study stated that sufficient staff are available at the referral facility. However, the maternal mortality ratio and severe maternal mortality ratio are still quite high which indicates that other factors may have an influential contribution.
“Most of the underlying causes of maternal mortality and near-death events in this study included puerperal complications, complications of pregnancy and other deliveries (including intrapartum bleeding and preterm labor), other maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible labor problems, and hypertension problems. , “He concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia
Details of this research available at:
Makhfudli, Ferry Efendi, Anna Kurniati, Retnayu Pradanie, Susy Katikana Sebayang. 2019. ‘What are the Staffing Levels and Maternal Outcomes? A Descriptive Study in Referral Hospitals in Java, Indonesia’. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. doi: 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01644.9