UNAIR Scientists Assess Elderly Experiences Living at Senior Home

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The elderly population continues to grow, including in Indonesia. In the national context, National Law number 13 of 1998 regulates how the welfare and welfare of citizens when they get older. This effort, one of which, was carried out in the form of providing Werdha Nursing Home services. The nursing home is present to ensure the elderly get functional health and welfare services.

The decision to live in a nursing home, both voluntary and forced, can have a psychological impact on the elderly. One of them is stress relocation syndrome. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association describes this syndrome as a stress reaction accompanied by physical symptoms, such as prolonged fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetite, muscle aches or other; and psychological reactions, such as disorientation, excessive anxiety, and disorientation as a result of moving from the original environment to the new place of residence.

“This condition has the potential to become a social conflict between the elderly and those around them because it is needed the support of health professionals for the elderly,” said Setho Hadisuyatmana, S.Kep, NS., M.NS., researcher and lecturer at Universitas Airlangga.

Psychological support is needed by the elderly; unfortunately, the literature that explains this is still very little. To get more explanation related to the stress of relocation of the elderly and find the right nursing approach, Setho and the team researched Griya Werdha Jambangan, Surabaya.

“We chose the location because Griya Werdha Jambangan was the main reference in providing social services in Surabaya,” said the lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing UNAIR.

This study involved seven older adults, aged 60-80 years who had just moved to Griya Wardha for the past four months. The elderly chosen for research are in good cognitive status and fluently communicate.

“Our research findings show that the elderly decided to move independently, even though they did not know how to become Griya Werdha’s new residents,” Setho said.

“They experienced illness and lack of support as new residents. They also have never received information related to regulations in Griya Wardha, “he continued.

This research found that the coping mechanism of the elderly who participated was quite independent and adaptive. Light exercise and watching television are their choices to overcome sadness. The results also show the low number of family visits that are needed by new residents.

“Here the role of orphanage officials is needed to facilitate good communication between residents and their families,” said Setho.

In contrast to the regrets and loneliness felt at the beginning, the elderly claimed to be happy when asked about their experience after being able to adapt. They express feelings of happiness and do not have to worry anymore about shelter and daily needs.

“Based on the results of this study, we recommend the need for proactive efforts of nurses as workers in nursing homes to recognize the symptoms of stress relocation and facilitate the elderly as new residents to adapt,” Setho explained.

“Further research is also needed to reveal the expectations of the residents of the Nursing Home for nursing services that can be provided,” he concluded. (*)

Author : Sukma Cindra Pratiwi

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia



Hadisuyatmana Setho, Hermansyah, Ulfiana Elida. ‘It was Hard but it is Satisfying’ : The Lived Experience of Older Adults Moving to a Residential Home (Griya Werdha) in Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health and Development, vol.10, no.8, pp 2564-68.

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