Dr Nurul Hartini: Childcare with Autism Spectrum Disorders Potentially Increases Stress in Mother
UNAIR NEWS – Children with autism spectrum disorders are generally characterized by an inability to communicate and interact with other […]
UNAIR NEWS – Children with autism spectrum disorders are generally characterized by an inability to communicate and interact with other […]
UNAIR NEWS – Anak dengan gangguan spektrum autisme secara umum dicirikan oleh ketidakmampuan dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan individu lain.
UNAIR NEWS – Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, incessantly doing research. This time, dr. Linda Astari, Sp.KK and
UNAIR NEWS – Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga tidak henti-hentinya dalam melakukan penelitian. Kali ini, dr. Linda Astari, Sp.KK dan
UNAIR NEWS- Liver cirrhosis and liver cancer or hepatocellular carcinoma is a life-threatening condition that is often associated with chronic
UNAIR NEWS- Diketahui bahwa, sirosis hati dan kanker hati atau hepatoseluler karsinoma adalah kondisi yang mengancam jiwa yang sering dikaitkan
UNAIRNEWS – Drs. Ec. I Made Sudana MS with Nugroho Sasikirono SE., MM, lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business,
UNAIRNEWS – Drs.Ec. I Made Sudana M.S. bersama Nugroho Sasikirono SE.,MM, dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga mengulas konsep
UNAIR NEWS – Child development is not only physically, but also cognitively. There are various factors that affect differences in
UNAIR NEWS – Tumbuh kembang anak tidak hanya diperhatikan secara fisik, namun juga secara kognitif. Ada beragam faktor yang menjadi