FK lecturer explores basic impaction of eye socket due to dentigerous cyst

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS- In the world of health, dentigerous cysts are pathological cysts consisting of semi-liquid material or gas and surrounded by epithelial layers that form the connective tissue with blood vessels. In a research on “Basic Impaction of Eye Socket due to Dentigerous Cysts”, Viskasari P. Kalanjati, dr., M. Kes., PA (K)., Ph.D., first explained that the growth of dentigerous cysts is from the teeth follicles that were being or not experience the eruption process usually detected in adolescents.

“In Brazil, 10 out of 17 cases of dentigerous cysts were found in children under the age of 15 years,” she explained.

dr. Viskasari said that, men tend to suffer more cysts than women, around 60% of cysts occur in the twenties to thirties and about 70% of cases occur in the mandible; and the remaining 30% is found in the maxilla.

“Furthermore, in terms of affected teeth, about 62% are molar teeth, 12% are premolar teeth, and 14% are other teeth,” she said.

In the research, dr. Viskasari revealed that there were female patients aged 20 years coming to RSGM, FKG UNAIR with complaint of a lump in the left upper jaw that had enlarged slowly since the previous month. It was known after that the patient had undergone surgery with the same complaint two years ago.

“From physical, laboratory and radiological examinations, the patient was diagnosed with a dentigerous cyst in the 21-26 maxillary sinistra, with non-erupting teeth impacted 23 towards the base of the orbital eye socket,” she explained.

From these problems, it is known that, dentigerous cysts have a high tendency to recur, and also enlarge, so it can cause destruction of the bone medulla and lumps in the affected jaw. Not only that, she continued, these cysts tend to press the surrounding tissue and structure, and also resorbing the teeth nearby.

“It can cause teeth shifting from their physiological arrangement, especially if they are located in the upper jaw,” she said.

Furthermore, dr. Viskasari also explained that tooth impaction can cause transudation of capillary walls so that increased hydrostatic pressure causes the follicles to detach from the crown of the tooth and cause cyst expansion into the surrounding area. Moreover, dental impaction of the maxillary sinus or the base of the orbital cavity can cause complications, chronic sinusitis to total sinus obstruction.

“Impaction on the base of the orbital cavity can also cause infraorbital nerve branch lesions, the anterior superior alveolar nerve and cause sensory disruption in the facial area,” she explained.

Therefore, according to dr. Viskasari, if not treated properly, these complications can cause patients to experience a far more serious condition such as meningo-encephalitis, which can cause even worse conditions for patients. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Details of this research available at:

Ferdian R. Hutomo, Ellen S. Pratiwi, Viskasari P. Kalanjati, Andra Rizqiawan (2019). Dentigerous cyst and canine impaction at the orbital floor. Fol Med Indones, Vol. 55 No. 3 September 2019 : 234-238. doi:

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