Expert: Immunization prevents plague and early death due to diseases

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The Indonesian government has launched an immunization program as a compulsory program for children under five years old, such as for BCG, DPT, Polyomyelitis, Hepatitits, and MMR immunizations, this program aims to protect infants from infectious diseases. This program is provided at public hospitals and puskesmas, free of charge, throughout Indonesia.

From 100 percent target, unfortunately, the Ministry of Health data shows only 82.30 percent of children get complete immunizations. It showed that the program has not run properly when obedience of mothers in getting their children immunization can prevent plague and early deaths from diseases.

It was also reported that more than 32.1% of children in Indonesia failed to complete the basic immunization program and more than 13.5% were never immunized, specifically in Pontianak, the local Health Office reported more than 27.58% of infants were not immunized in 2015. Central Siantan Community Health Center, one of the Puskesmas in the city, reported that only 50.2% of babies were immunized.

“This is thought to be the cause of outbreaks of diphtheria, neonatal tetanus, measles and hepatitis B. Local investigations revealed that the complete basic immunization program did not reach the target,” Setho Hadisuyatmana, S.Kep, NS., M.NS., researcher as well as Universitas Airlangga lecturer.

On the other hand, the IDAI Task Force explained that it was related to a mother’s ignorance on the health efforts for her children. Previous studies also showed that family support, education level, and accessibility of health services also determine maternal compliance with the program.

“For this reason, this study aims to examine the factors that influence mothers’ intentions to immunize their children who are less than one year old,” Setho said.

The study was conducted at a Pontianak community health center, West Kalimantan. Followed by 178 participants and mothers, this study evaluated the relationship of social factors, such as age, gender, and education; the use of information media, attitudes, norms, and positive control in involving their children in immunization. In general, this research showed that the majority of mothers give birth at a very young age with a low level of education.

“The results showed that half of the children from study participants did not get complete basic immunization program even though it was free of charge,” Setho said.

This research found that poor understanding of mothers determines adherence to a complete basic immunization program. The results also imply that maternal knowledge regarding immunization is not determined by age and low level of education.

A positive and strong relationship between maternal attitudes and intentions found through this study showed that efforts to improve understanding are the basis of efforts to increase maternal contribution to the success of a complete basic immunization program. Mother’s intention to immunize her children is also inseparable from the support of her husband, family, parents, and peers. People in the environment need to be involved for the sake of increasing coverage of complete basic immunization in children.

“This fact shows that the mother’s intention and compliance in the immunization program are the result of a joint movement of a family,” Setho stressed.

For this reason, family empowerment efforts are highly recommended. Family empowerment can increase maternal compliance to a complete basic immunization program. That way, the target of complete basic immunization can be achieved and children can get adequate health protection. (*)

Author: Sukma Cindra Pratiwi

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


Setho Hadisuyatmana, Ilya Krisnana, Muhammad Adil Sipahutar. factors Influencing Mothers’ Intention to Immunize Children Younger Than Five Years of Age: A Case Study in West Borneo. Jurnal Ners. Faculty of Nursing Ailangga University.

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