UNAIR lecturer studies student motivation to join tutoring institutions

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Statistically, the number of tutoring institutions (LBB) in Indonesia is increasing every year. For example, in Central Java in 2009, there were 113 LBB licensed by the Directorate of Course and Training, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). In 2017, the number increased to 162 LBB.

Referring to the data of Ministry of Education and Culture Development and Training Directorate until 2017, there are 1,362 licensed LBB in Indonesia. The data does not include tutoring institutions which are not licensed. In fact, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture said 70.88 percent of students in Indonesia joined LBB.

Six factors trigger the increasing students who joined tutoring institution as revealed by M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, S.Si, M.Si., in his scientific journal entitled Prediction the Number of Students in Indonesia who Study in Tutoring Agency and Their Motivations based on Fourier Series Estimator and Structural Equation Modeling .

“Their growth in nine years was very significant, reaching 70 percent. Tutoring institutions did not only grow and develop in big cities, but also in district capitals, ” he said.

Fariz said that his research not only predicted LBB participants, but also revealed significant the motivations of students joining LBB. There were 400 students from three LBB randomly selected to fill out the questionnaire. The questions given are related to seven dimensions, facilities, reliability, service, guarantee, empathy, and motivation.

“More than 50 percent of students are satisfied with all dimensions measured. This is supported by the results of SEM analysis, “he said.

” Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to determine indicators that significantly influence student to join LBB, based on a questionnaire,” he added.

Based on the results of SEM analysis, continued Fariz, the correlation between reliability, assurance, and empathy with motivation was significant for all determining indicators. These results meet the SEM excellent measurement.

“The dimension of reliability include services in accordance with advertising, lessons focus, provided training, time, and cost, can foster motivation for students to join LBB. For example, the lessons and training obtained at LBB is more intensive and flexible than at school, “he said.

Meanwhile, the assurance dimension includes confidence in its success, competent and licensed tutors, successful alumni experience, motivation building, and improvement in academic achievement can foster student motivation to join LBB. Fariz assumed, in general, students needed confidence to succeed in further education, stories about successful alumni experiences and increased motivation.

LBB provides a larger portion than at school. The dimensions of empathy which include tutor patience, friendliness, attention, appearance, and attitude can foster student motivation to join LBB. Students tend to be more communicative and open with tutors at LBB than with teachers at school.

“These problems must be overcome because the center of education is schools. Meanwhile, LBB is a supporting institution, “he said.

“The state through teachers at schools can change the educational process to be more flexible and friendly, as well as accommodate student interests. On the other hand, LBB must share with schools through innovation with digitizing systems that are less appropriate implemented at schools, “he added. (*)

Author: Feri Fenoria

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia



M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, Sri Haryatmi Kartiko, Herni Utami.  2019. Prediction the Number of Students in Indonesia who Study in Tutoring Agency and Their Motivations based on Fourier Series Estimator and Structural Equation Modelling publish di International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (IJICC), Volume 5, Issue 3, pp 708– 731 (Scopus Q3).

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