UNAIR scientist studies piezoelectric based on piezoceramics and its applications

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Faculty of Science and Technology lecturer Jan Ady, S.Si., M.Si., conducts various research in the world of physics. This time, he and his team conducted research on Piezoceramic-based Piezoelectric and its applications. According to him, Piezoelectric is an electrical charge accumulating in certain materials such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological materials such as bones, DNA, and several types of proteins.

Furthemore, Jan Ady also explained that piezoelectric consists of two word, piezo which means mechanical pressure and electric which means electricity. So piezoelectric can convert energy from mechanical responses into electrical energy or vice versa.

“In other words, piezoelectric has reversible properties or it can produce energy that can be converted back,” he said.

Inorganic materials, he added, such as ceramics have become the best choice as piezo-electric raw materials to date because its nature and characteristics are environmentally friendly and non-toxic to living things.

“Different things have been shown by several types of materials with identical abilities in producing electrical or mechanical energy, but their properties and characteristics tend to be toxic or toxic and not environmentally friendly,” he explained.

Furthermore, he also confirmed that the findings and applications of many studies on piezoelectric. According to him, with an inorganic material such as ceramics, existence of electrical or mechanical energy can be produced from this material as one of the renewable and sustainable alternative choices.

“Therefore, research on this material is still ongoing and will continue to be done, especially looking at the potential of some raw materials that can be optimized for results and minimize the negative impact of their use on living things or the environment,” he said.

In the end, he reiterated, research on the preparation of piezoelectric materials is necessary to be continuously done, especially to study the various properties and characteristics of materials with strong implications for each quality of the material to be used as piezoelectric.

Author:  Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia



Jan Ady et al. (2019). Perovskite Microstructure Studied of Barium Titanate – Polyvinyl Alcohol were Sintered and Synthesized by Sol – Gel. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 14 (3), p. 817 – 822.

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