UNAIR NEWS – Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Si., PhD., A lecturer at Faculty of Nursing, conducted a study on “Parents’ Self Efficacy to Determine the Frequency of Tantrum Temper in Children”. According to him, facing tantrum temper in children is not easy.
“This condition is known as Temper tantrums,” he said.
Tantrum temper is the most common behavioral problem in children from 16 months to 6 years. It was shown by a variety of behaviors ranging from crying and shouting, to rude and aggressive actions such as throwing things, rolling on the floor, banging heads.
“They also kick or hit parents,” he said.
Furthermore, he also said temper tantrums generally occur in pre-school children. However, it is not normal if it happens every day. Abnormal tantrum temperatures have contributed to many negative effects on children.
“Short-term effects may include children’s anger by hurting themselves and others or destroying objects around them, as well as uncontrolled emotions and aggressiveness. In the long run, children hard to deal with their environment, to adapt in a new situation and to solve a problem, “he said.
Furthermore, he explained that his study uses a cross-sectional approach involving 96 parents of students. The results found a significant correlation between the level of PSE with the status of development and behavior of children.
“The higher PSE level will lead to the better the status of development and behavior exhibited by children,” he explained.
Preschool programs can build and run parenting class programs. It aims to increase parenting knowledge and ability in parenting to improve Parenting Self-Efficacy.
“Besides, preschool programs are also recommended to increase the number of character-building programs that shape the characteristics of children,” he concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia
Fauziah, Y., Efendi, F., Pratiwi, I. N., & Aurizki, G. E. (2019). Parental Self-Efficacy on Temper Tantrum Frequency in Children. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10(8), 2798-2802.