UNAIR lecturer studies Ovaprim™ optimal dose on induction of silver rasbora fish spawning

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Silver rasbora (Rasbora argyrotaenia) are fish from the Rasbora group that are naturally spread in Asian countries. This fish is one of the freshwater aquaculture commodities with high economic value.

As a newly cultivated fish commodity, the number of parent silver rasbora used for spawning is still very limited. Moreover, the fish spawning also depends on the season. For these problems, Darmawan Setia Budi, S.Pi., M.Si and team conducted a research.

“The peak season for silver rasbora spawning occurs between September and December at a temperature range between 25.5 ° C and 31.6 ° C. To overcome this, it is necessary to study the exact and efficient method of hatchery of silver rasbora. “Spawning induction is one of the hatchery methods that can be used to maximize the use of a limited number of parent fish and overcome spawning problems that depends on the season,” explained the lecturer of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK).

The lecturer known as Darmawan added, in previous research that had been done, Ovaprim ™ was proven to be successful in inducing spawning in various fish species. Ovaprim ™ is a commercial product combination of salmon gonadotropin hormone-analogue (sGnRH-a) and domperidone (antidopamine) which is commonly used in induction of fish spawning through stimulation of ovulation and spermiation.

“The parent fish that was used in the research I conducted with the team came from the Technical Implementation Unit of Freshwater Aquaculture Fisheries (UPT PBAT) Umbulan, Pasuruan. “The observed parameters are fecundity, egg diameter, degree of fertilization, degree of hatching of eggs, and survival rate of larvae,” he said.

The results obtained from Darmawan’s research showed that the induction of silver rasbora fish using Ovaprim ™ has an effect on fecundity and degree of fertilization, but on the degree of hatching of eggs, level of survival and diameter of the egg has no effect. The optimal dose of Ovaprim ™ on induction of silver rasbora spawning is 0.7 mL / kg fish weight with the highest fecundity value compared to other treatments.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Link :http://jurnal.unsyiah.ac.id/depik/article/view/14076

Ningrum, D.R.K., Budi, D.S., &Sulmartiwi, L., (2019). Induksipemijahanikan wader pari (Rasboraargyrotaenia) menggunakanOvaprim™ dengandosisberbeda. DepikJurnalIlmu-IlmuPerairan, PesisirdanPerikanan8(2): 117-124. 

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