FEB lecturer studies employee development paradox

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Employee development is one of the concerns of HR department in organizations today because, more and more organizations need employees with up-to-date knowledge and skills.

In this regard, Dr. Praptini Yulianti, S.E., M.Si., FEB lecturer of Universitas Airlangga, conducted a study on the paradox of employee development. According to her, with employee development, organizations can improve workforce flexibility, improve performance, and create competitive advantage.

“This employee development investment contributes to the creation of employees’ positive perceptions towards the company, which in turn can increase job satisfaction and strengthen the desire to work harder to contribute to the organization,” she explained.

On the other hand, continued Praptini, employee development can also pose a risk to the organization because it can cause turnover and labor replacement costs. “There are many opportunities in the labor market so employees will take up new job offers before the organization benefits from the investment spent,” she said. Furthermore, she also explained about perceived internal employability and intentions turn over. According to him, perceived internal employability or job opportunities available in the organization with respect to employee competence, perceived internal employability, she said, referred to the intention of employee mobility to be moved laterally to different departments in the organization or to be moved for promotion in line with employee competency improvement.

“Employees who have developed with improved knowledge and skills will judge that they naturally get the intention of mobility in the organization,” she said.

Internal Perceived employability can be used as an employee retention program that will reduce the turnover of employees. Moreover, he also reviewed the autonomy job which moderated relationship between perceived employability with intention turn over. Job autonomy, he explained, is giving employees the authority to make decisions in carrying out tasks, employees will feel involved in work so that it will increase motivation to remain in the organization and reduce intention to turn over.

“From this we did a study and the result showed that employee development had no direct effect on turnover intentions, perceived internal and external employability fully mediated the relationship between employee development and turnover intentions,” she explained. “While job autonomy strengthening connection perceived internal employability with turnover, and job autonomy weakens the connection of perceived external employability with turnover intention ,” dhe concluded.

Penulis:  Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia



Praptini Yulianti and Cecilia Margaretha (2019). A paradox: employee development and intention to turnover. Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura 22 (1), 9-20; http://dx.doi.org/10.14414/jebav.v22i1.1252

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