Expert: The most cause of leucorrhoea among commercial sex workers

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Dr. Afif Nurul Hidayati Dr., Sp.KK, FINS-DV, FAADV., One of the experts in Universitas Airlangga has a variety of useful research. In his research, he said that commercial sexual workers (CSWs) have a high risk of experiencing sexually transmitted infections (STI) to clients.

Sexually transmitted infections are still a health problem in developing countries because STI has a major role in HIV transmission. An increase in STI cases often coincides with an increase in HIV cases, especially in high-risk populations, one of which is female sex workers.

“Clinical manifestations of STIs that occur among these populations are generally cervicitis, namely cervical inflammation that is often caused by infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis,” he said.

Furthermore, Dr. Afif Nurul also said that the main complaint of cervicitis is generally vaginal discharge or bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, but cervicitis can also not cause symptoms. The diagnosis of STI apart from clinical also requires laboratory tests.

“However, the laboratory infrastructure is not optimal, so the data collection on STI is more about the clinical syndromic approach in Indonesia,” he said.

Therefore this study aims to describe the prevalence of STI in the form of nongonorrhea cervicitis and gonorrhea cervicitis, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis vaginalis, and other STI in female CSW. This study used medical record data from 100 female PSK patients who visited Primary Healthcare of Putat Jaya Surabaya in 2013-2014.

“The design of this study was a retrospective study — furthermore, the data obtained from clinical examination, diagnosis, and therapy provided. The diagnosis of vaginal discharge was made by history taking, physical examination, vaginal and cervical smear. The data are analyzed descriptively, “he explained.

Out of 100 female prostitutes, 85 patients suffered from fluor albus, 1 patient suffered from genital vegetation, and 14 patients had no data. Clinical complaints and manifestations of vaginal discharge or fluor albus occurred in the majority of STI cases in the study.

“An approach through syndromes is needed to reduce the risk of transmission,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


Hidayati, A., Astindari, A., Sari, M., Murtiastutik, D., Martodihardjo, S., & Barakbah, J. (2019). Nongonococcal cervicitis: The most common cause of fluor albus in female sex workers. Dermatology Reports11(1s).

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