Tamkang University Taiwan and FISIP UNAIR Strengthen Collaboration Commitment

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UNAIR NEWS – International cooperation has been positively welcomed by Universitas Airlangga. This time the representative of Tamkang University Taiwan visited UNAIR to strengthen the commitment of these two universities, especially in education fields.

It was proven by the visit of Sin Cheng Lin, Ph.D., Professor of Department of Information and Library Science. The visit was welcomed by UNAIR Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD.K-GH.FINASIM in Vice Rector Room 1, 4th Floor, UNAIR Management Office.

Besides, there was also Director of Education Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto Dea, Drh .; Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Dr. Falih Suaedi, Drs., M.Si .; and Head of the Department of Information and Library Science (IIP) Dr. Tri Soesantari Dra., M.Si. Furthermore, the meeting discussed student exchange programs and research collaboration.

Dr. Tri said Tamkang University with UNAIR, especially FISIP has several common things in department and study program. Therefore, the details and acceleration of the collaboration are expected to be carried out immediately.

“The details of this collaboration will be emphasised in Information Science and library study program first. Other FISIP study programs also have the potential to collaborate, such as international relations and state administration, “he said.

“The cooperation is related to student exchanges, staff exchanges, collaborative research and lectures,” he added.

Adding the statement, Prof. Sin said that the two universities also have similarities, especially the names of study programs and faculties.

“Because, we (the two universities, ed) have something in common. Name of study program and faculty. So, we are trying to discuss cooperation in the future, “he said.

“Therefore, this visit is intended to deepen the partnership between these two universities,” he added.

There has been MOU signed between UNAIR and Tamkang University in the general field. The visit intended to discuss the cooperation detail that will be carried out in the future. Especially in the field of Tri Dharma Higher Education, which is related to education, research, and community service.

“I hope there will be further collaboration in the future, “he added.

Meanwhile, Prof. Djoko advised the cooperation discussion to emphasised three things. First, related to collaborative research. Second, focusing on efforts to increase the number of journals. And the third, strengthening of educational collaboration interactions. For example, the interaction of students, lecturers, including lecture discussions.

“The details of the collaboration will be discussed soon so there will be positive impacts on both parties, “he said. (*)

Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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