FISIP UNAIR Attend 2nd Annual Conference on Business and Public Administration 2019

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UNAIR NEWS – The 2nd Annual Conference on Business and Public Administration (AICoBPA) 2019 in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Business Administration (AIABI) and the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) was held in Universitas Brawijaya on October 23-24, 2019. Several speakers were invited such as Dr. Ciorstan Smark from the University of Wollongong, Australia; Associate Professor Mohammad Saud Khan from Victoria University of Wellington; Tri Wulida Afrianty, S.Sos., M.Si., M; Professor Wang Bin from Huangzhou University of Science and Technology; and Professor Nahyun Kwon, Ph.D from Myongji University.

The theme was Advancing Business and Public Administration in the Age of Innovation: Priorities, Risk, OpportunitiesThe theme was chosen to involve many professionals who have roles in related business and public administration fields such as auditing, tax and fiscal policy, economic, business and public finance, tourism, human resource development, leadership, and organizational performance.

Eight delegates from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga who attended the event were Rizky Wijayanti, Anggie Parawitha Lucca, Muhammad Syafi’i, Ramaditya Rahardian, Muhammad Fajrus Shodiq, Anisnya Gita Prasehana, Muhammad Zainal Arifin, and Alina Ari Hartono.

There are several points discussed from the event. First, as the development of business administration science both conceptually and practically, it is necessary to study further through research seminars and results. Business administration discourse in the market dimension and resource-based supply chain management and other dimensions needs to be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Second, in the era of globalization, the development of public administration and public services also tends to go beyond borders. Technological advancement have also triggered the delivery of better public services at local, regional, national and international levels. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct studies that can be relied upon by public administration.

Third, the development of the business sector does not only involve the business world, but also involves the public and private sectors. The development of the organization’s public sector also requires effectiveness, efficiency, and profit to ensure the sustainability and improvement of public services quality.

Rizky, one of the delegates from FISIP UNAIR, encouraged students who want to attend an international conference to adjust their interests and focus of the study. “Try to attend conferences that are in line with the interests and focus of your studies, ” he said.

To attend an international conference students are required to submit a paper. Attending international conferences is something that students must follow because it can encourage students to actively develop ideas.

“As a student I feel that an international conference is important for students to actively participate in developing ideas in the paper to make it easier for students to write a thesis,” he stated. (*)

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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