E-Bird Competition Based on Artificial Intelligence

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Bird competition is popular in Indonesia. Besides aiming to preserve and introduce the beauty of birds to ordinary people, this competition also became a venue for finding new friends. It is common for this competition to be managed by significant organizers such as Boy n Rusli (BNR Indonesia), Radjawali Indonesia, Ranggolawe, Indonesian Bird Preserver (PBI), Rasyid Enterprise (RE), and so on.

Even though they have good intentions, there are still negative impacts felt by the contestants and protests to the organizer. Participants explore the existence of fraud (cheating) that was done well before until when the competition was carried out.

Furthermore, Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama, SE., M.AK., AK., C.A as one of the lecturers in accounting program PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi with her student Hendri Arya Fernando, S.Ak creating a draft operational information system e-bird competition using the integration of websites and online applications.

The system using ultrasonic sensor technology based on artificial intelligence. The expected outputs of this study are the operating system shows violation report and participant sanction, violation and jury sanction report, as well the results of points and winners’ reports.

“The system developed based on ultrasonic sensor technology to analyze objects and give voice commands and controlling certain activities,” explained Agung.

Furthermore, Agung and Nando also designed Level 1 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) related to the evaluation process of the jury. After the DFD design is complete, the next step is to build an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and website. From this website,  everyone can register themselves. Online registration is also considered more effective, especially in terms of time. There are three databases for participants, judges and sensors that are expected to be used as objective record evidence of violations committed by judges or participants.

The output of ultrasonic sensor technology management for fraud detection based on artificial intelligence is intended to facilitate information that can be received quickly and in real-time by participants. The output used for the sake of effectiveness and efficiency is in the form of managing notifications received through a website / online application account, “explained Agung regarding the performance of the system design.

The notification system expected to facilitate participant and judges as well. From the notification, the organizer could decide on the type of sanction that they will get.

Author: Tsania Ysnaini Mawardi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Untuk lebih lengkap hasil dari riset ini, dapat diunduh pada laman  https: //www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/iclick-18/125913281

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