Beware of Cyber Incivility in Work Environment

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – The rapid development of electronic communication media technology is a necessity in supporting the activities of urban community. The easiness of communication gives opportunity to some people to express themselves through the media. Therefore, sometimes the people are not aware if they have violated the ethical norms in maintaining mutual respect and interact. Such phenomenon is commonly found in work environment and often referred to as cyber incivility.

It inspired Dr. Fajrianthi, M.Psi to conduct a study. According to her, cyber incivility can be in oral form through language of sarcasm and condescendence. Someone who has experienced this feels a psychological pressure, with decreasing work commitment, failure to comply, anxiety and fear leading to the risk of quitting jobs.

“Overall, this situation allows for excessive emotion more felt by the recipient and sender of the message,” she said.

The study showed that the occurrence of cyber incivility in mediated communication will limit the understanding of non-verbal cues and delayed feedback. These limitations lead to the effects of online disinhibition which encourage a person to express their personal feelings.

“That behavior will usually lead to aggressive behavior and hostility,” she said.

Furthermore, Fajrianthi also revealed that the asynchronous nature of time allows individuals to reply to a message after a few minutes, hours, days, even months as feedback delay. It leads to the violations of social norms without feeling guilty or irresponsibility for the actions that have been done.

“We need to be more vigilant and wiser in communicating and establishing work interactions through electronic media. So we need an emotionally intelligent individual in responding to every problem in work interactions to create a conducive work environment with polite and ethical communication behavior, ” she said.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor : Nuri Hermawan


S K T Febriana dan Fajrianthi. Cyber Incivility Perpetrator: The Influenced of Dissociative Anonimity, Invisibility, Asychronicity, and Dissociative Imagination. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1175, conference 1

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