UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) as one of the best universities in Indonesia has made another achievement at national competition. This time, two UNAIR students, Ratna Devi Antari and Itsna Manisa, won 1st and 3rd place in Musabaqoh Hifzil Quran 5 Juz in 2019 Middle East Festival.
Middle East Festival (MEF) is a national scale competition held by the Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia (FIB UI). The competition consists of several categories, including Musabaqoh Hifzil Quran (MHQ).
Interviewed by UNAIR News on Friday, October 4, 2019, Ratna Devi Antari shared her stories and experiences during MEF competition. The student known as Ratna admitted that her biggest motivation for memorizing the Koran is her parents.
“This is the only thing I can give (to parents, ed), and of course there is no comparison to what parents give me. All the success I achieved was thanks to the prayers of my parents, ” she said.
The 2017 medical education student is part of Tahfidzul Qur’an Student Activity Unit (UKMTQ). UKMTQ has helped Ratna in her struggle to memorize the Quran, in terms of material, physical and conscience.
“Try to be istiqomah (consistent) in murajaah (memorization). It’s hard, but hopefully God will lift our degree of existence, ” she advised.
Furthermore, Itsna Munisa said that the most important motivation to memorize the Koran is having clear resolve to memorize. Secondly, equally important is the enthusiasm and support of the family, especially parents and relatives.
“The support from the university especially from UKMTQ and MTQ Caravan friends is also extraordinary,” she added.
Itsna advised UNAIR students to realign their intention in memorizing Quran. Itsna hoped that there will be more successors from UNAIR students who memorize the Quran.
“Memorizing is actually easy, what makes it hard is how to fight laziness in ourselves,” she concluded. (*)
Author: Sandi Prabowo
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia