Tracing Tobacco Retail Marketing in Indonesia

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Everyone knows that smoking has many harmful effects on the human body. In the long run, smoking continuously can even take a person’s life. However, there are still many young people who are curious to try and end up being addicted.

Indonesia has set a ban on the sale of cigarettes to children aged less than 18 years in Government Regulation no 109/2012. However, based on a survey conducted by Global Youth Tobacco in 2014, there were 65% of students who could easily buy cigarettes, especially cigarette bars. In line with this percentage, 61% of students who watch cigarette advertisements in the store will be tempted to buy it.

In line with the background of research by Susy Katikana Sebayang SP, M.Si., Ph.D., with Udayana University and University of Sydney did a study of 1000 cigarette traders in Denpasar, Bali in 2018. The method of data collection is using observation and interviews with shop owners. The data collected shows that minimarket in Denpasar is in the top position both in the total number of promotions and total indoor promotions. Meanwhile, the highest number for outdoor promotion is in the stall. More specifically, 98.9% of retailers display cigarettes, and more than half of the stall (54.8%) and minimarkets (56.3%) sell cigarettes to young people. Of this number, 74% of them sell cigarettes.

“Analysis of in-store advertising and promotional photos shows that two of the three promotional materials are displayed in English with taglines containing encouraging words, encouraging to do or inviting not to stop, or promoting the taste or quality of cigarette products. It shows that cigarette companies are trying to position cigarettes as part of young people’s culture, “Susy explained.

Cigarettes also seem to have begun to intensify the promotion of cigarette packs in smaller sizes (child size) containing less than 20 cigarettes, starting from 10 to 12 cigarettes. In addition to size, promotions are also intensified at very affordable prices, starting at Rp. 9,000 to Rp. 20,000 per pack, which means children still can afford to buy cigarettes.

Furthermore, tobacco company also carried out online promotions. There are many advertisements in the form of links and hashtags that direct internal users to cigarette company websites to invite young people.

“The findings of this study show that cigarette companies are trying to promote their products to children and adolescents, and child protection against the cigarette trade is very minimal. Therefore, Indonesia needs to immediately strengthen the rules and enforcement of regulations that prohibit the sale of cigarette bars to children in all forms. More advanced steps need to be taken, such as limiting cigarette advertisements on social media and on the internet along with the intensification of cigarette advertising creativity that is happening, “Susy concluded.

Author: Tsania Ysnaini Mawardi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Link :

Astuti, P.A.S., Kurniasari, N.M.D., Mulyawan, K.H., Sebayang, S.K., Freeman, B. 2019. From glass boxes to social media engagement: An audit of tobacco retail marketing in Indonesia. Tobacco Control

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