UNAIR Researchers Find Potential of NLC to Cure Rheumatism

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Illustration of Scientific Articles by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Most Indonesian people have the potential to develop rheumatism or in the medical language Rheumatoid Arthritis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been widely used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, one of the treatments is Diethylammonium diclofenac (DETA).

This problem motivated for Dra. Esti Hendradi., Apt., MSi., Ph.D., and the team to conduct research. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of stearic acid and oleic acid ratio on physical characteristics and the efficiency of diethyl ammonium diclofenac entrapment with the Lipid Carrier Nanostructure (NLC) system.

In this NLC system, DETA functions as an active drug, stearic acid as a solid lipid, oleic acid as a liquid lipid, and Tween 80 as a surfactant component. Esti has been researching Diclofenac, starting from Sodium Diclofenac, Diclofenac Acid, Diethylammonium.

“All of them are a group of anti-inflammatory (NSAID) anti-inflammatory, especially in the joints,” he added.

During this time, Esti focused on the delivery system. Incidentally, in the field of this delivery system, Esti researched a lot about the delivery system that penetrates the skin. To get into the skin, it takes its abilities intended for joints.

Esti admitted that this research had not yet reached its realization. But from other studies using NSAID’s active ingredient, which is not Diclofenac, it has been proven that it can get into the skin, but the shape of the drug is different.

In this study, Esti used NLC-shaped preparations. Nanostructure Lipid Carrier (NLC) is a form of nanoparticles that can carry active ingredients into and absorb into the body.

“The dosage form is NLC, so later the active ingredient is trapped in lipid, the hope is that it can take off slowly and long,” he explained.

Several formulas are made using a lipid comparison; the ratio of lipids is solid and liquid lipids. Furthermore, the comparison will be calculated how much later they can form an excellent preparation to be able to deliver diclofenac.

In that study, it was proven that to make preparations in the form of NLC is possible, and it could be continued the way to get into the skin.

“At least for the initial stage is how to form the NLC was completed, so that means it is trapped in a liquid lipid, and a solid lipid,” he added.

Esti said that the results of the research conducted as a whole were excellent. This research has fulfilled the requirements to be continued in the use of transdermal drugs.

The results showed that differences in the lipid ratio of oleic acid and stearic acid did not have a significant effect on the viscosity and entrapment efficiency of NLC-DETA. On the other hand, it affects the pH of all formulas, which is significantly different. Increasing the number of liquid lipids in the formulation reduces the NLC-DETA particle size.

“In this study, it has not yet reached the stage of making preparations that can be used for the community, but the trends can be applied to the broader community in the future, “he concluded. (*)

Author : Sandi Prabowo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Link : https://indonesianjpharm.farmasi.ugm.ac.id/index.php/3/article/download/1309/852

Esti Hendradi, Noorma Rosita, Erwinda Rahmadhanniar. 2017. Effect of Lipid Ratio of Stearic Acid and Oleic Acid on Characteristics of Nanostructure Lipid Carrier (NLC) System of Diethylammonium Diclofenac. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, Volume 28, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 198-204

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