Commemorating World Rabies Day, FKH UNAIR Holds Cat-Dog Free Competition and Vaccine

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UNAIR NEWS – Commemorating World Rabies Day (WRD) which falls on September 28, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a commemoration event on Sunday, September 29. There are three main agendas in the WRD series, namely talk shows, eating and running competitions for dogs and cats, and the provision of free anti-rabies vaccines.

Rabies is an acute infectious disease in the mammalian nervous system (including humans) caused by a virus called Rhadovirus. The disease is zoonotic or transmitted from animals to humans and is very deadly. Transmission occurs due to virus particles in the saliva of infected animals that enter the human or animal body through a bite. Besides dogs, the rabies virus can also infect several other animals such as cats, monkeys, and ferrets.

Enlivening the commemoration of World Rabies Day 2019, the activity aims to provide accurate information about zoonosa (Rabies and Toxoplasmosis) to the public, increase public awareness of the importance of rabies vaccination, and provide an understanding of efforts to control rabies in Indonesia. Both in humans and animals.

Head of WRD committee, Drh. Yoshi Tara K.D said the activity was a form of cooperation between UNAIR and Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) of East Java I and the Veterinaria Farma Center (Pusvetma). The enthusiasm of the community to participate in the event this year was huge. It can be seen from the number of registrants the quota previously went from 100 to 130.

Yoshi added before each agenda will be held alternately on the same day. However, they decided to be held together so that the pet would not experience fatigue and heat outside the room.

“Previously the arrangement of the event was alternating from the talk show to the competition and vaccination. But, due to considerations of time taking too long to be changed together, namely a talk show in the first-floor Avian Room, competition and vaccines, “explained Yoshi.

Prof. Dr. Suwarno, drh., M.Si., Head of East Java I PDHI, in his speech said that understanding of rabies prevention is essential things to do. Given the impact of rabies on humans always leads to death. Therefore, preventive measures such as the administration of anti-rabies vaccines to animals and humans are expected to be able to minimize the spread of rabies.

“This year the WRD theme is Vaccinate to Eliminate, with vaccination we will eliminate rabies in the world. This activity aims to vaccinate and increase public awareness of the dangers of rabies, “he explained.

Although East Java entered into eight provinces declared free of rabies in Indonesia, Prof. Suwarno urged people to remain vigilant because East Java is close to endemic areas for rabies, such as Bali and Kalimantan. Thus, the potential spread of rabies can be carried through the traffic lane between endemic to rabies-free areas. However, this risk can be prevented through regular and periodic administration of serum and anti-rabies vaccines to pets. (*)

Author: Zanna Afia

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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