FPK Holds INCOFIMS to Discuss Development and Management of Fisheries and Marine Sciences

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UNAIR NEWS – At the International Conference Fisheries and Marine (INCOFIMS) held by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), three international experts offered strategic steps towards the development and management of fisheries and marine sciences in Indonesia. The three keynote speakers were Ir. Nilanto Perbowo, M.Sc. as Secretary-General of Indonesian Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs (KKP); Prof. Hong Sung Yun as professor of Department of Marine Biology at Pukyong National University of South Korea; and Prof. Dean Jerry as lead scientist of James Cook University Australia aquaculture genetics program.

Ir. Nilanto and Prof. Hong started their presentation by explaining the low consumption, industrial and fishing capacities, in Indonesia and globally.

“We all know that Indonesia is a maritime country. However, even though year by year, the fish-catching capacity has increased, the value still does not meet expectations. It is from the fact that the majority of Indonesian fishermen are small fishermen, “said the KKP Secretary-General.

“Data from Ryther shows that the potential for global fish capacity reaches 240 Million Tons (MT) with a potential of sustained catch 100 MT. However, the total catch that can be achieved only reaches 60 MT, ” he added.

Prof. Hong emphasized that there are still rooms for improvement to increase marine and fisheries production and consumption. “Fish consumption in Indonesia is increasing, but you could say it is still lower than some other countries which are not maritime countries as big as Indonesia. In 2011, the figure was 28.9 kg per capita. This then led to stunting problems as explained by Ir. Nilanto earlier, “he said.

Therefore, Ir. Nilanto as the first keynote speaker offered four essential steps that could be taken in increasing fisheries and marine production, technological innovation and financial schemes in marine biotechnology, innovation villages that collaborate researchers and human resources in rural fishermen, transfer technology to communities and industry, and encourage the transformation of marine and fisheries communities through start-up generation.

Meanwhile, Prof. Jerry spoke about the improvement of advanced selective breeding approach for penaeid shrimp and barramundi. “Only 10 percent of world aquaculture production is based on selective breeding species,” said Prof. Jerry opening his presentation.

Then Prof. Jerry explained that in traditional breeding programs, there are many limitations such as difficulty in estimating species character in terms of disease resistance and carcass quality, potential for low quality, and low genetic correlation. Therefore, Prof. Jerry put forward his idea of selective breeding in penaeid shrimp and barramundi in a circumference chart.

“In selective breeding, we will be able to produce barramundi and diverse shrimp with excellent adaptability to climate change, prediction of breeding, and sexual manipulation. So, one of the main keys of this program is through genomic selection, “he said.

The second International seminar was held at Mercure Hotel Surabaya on Thursday, September 26, 2019. There were 250 participants, from Indonesia and abroad, attending the seminar. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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